Fields, Photonics, and Magnetics
Broadly described, the Fields, Photonics, and Magnetics research area includes the interaction of electromagnetic waves with materials to yield useful devices including optical fibers, spintronic memory, and antennas for cell phones. To that end, faculty in ECE are engaged in research over the full frequency spectrum including light interacting with graphene, the use of fluids for tuning radio frequency circuits, and magnetic disk drives that combine both microwaves and light, both focused to nm length scales. Much of our work is collaborative and interdisciplinary with a strong connection to industry through two industry supported centers: SMART Center and MINT. Innovation and invention are key markers of this area, and therefore research typically involves fabrication of devices, measurement of their electromagnetic performance, and simulation of expected behavior.

Affiliate Faculty

Taner Akkin
Associate Professor
Dept. of Biomedical Engineering
6-130 Nils Hasselmo Hall
[email protected]
Research Site

Tianhong Cui
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
ME 2106
[email protected]
Research Site

Russell Holmes
Associate Professor
Dept. of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
151 Amundson Hall
[email protected]
Research Site

Ognjen Ilic
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
ME 213
[email protected]
Research Site