Graduate Credit Enrollment through UNITE

For Graduate credit at the University of Minnesota. 

(If you are considering enrolling in a course through UNITE to transfer into a program at another college or university, follow the information for Guests of the University of Minnesota Enrollment)

For Students Accepted into a Graduate Program at the University of Minnesota

Students who are accepted into a University of Minnesota program and only enrolling in UNITE section(s) for graduate credit for that program:

Only a single step is required: Complete and submit the appropriate UNITE Registration Form:

UNITE Registration Form for Students (online form)

For Students Who WILL BE Accepted into a Graduate Program at the University of Minnesota

Students not yet accepted into a University of Minnesota graduate program and enrolling in UNITE section(s) for graduate credit to transfer into a program at the University of Minnesota once accepted into the program:

This is a Two-Step Process:

Step One: Complete and submit the UNITE Registration Form:

UNITE Registration Form for Students (online form)

Step Two:  Request for Graduate Credit for Non-Degree Students Form (.pdf)
Download and complete Sections 1, 2 and 4 of the Request for Graduate Credit for Non-Degree Students Form (UNITE staff will complete Section 3). Submit to UNITE via email or in person. This is needed for each semester in which you enroll.

Graduate Course Time Conflict:

For course time conflicts, UNITE follows the University policy requiring approval of instructors of the courses when courses (UNITE sections and on-campus sections) have a time conflict.  As UNITE sections "piggyback" on the on-campus section of a course, students enrolled the UNITE section of a course are required to take exams same time/same day as the students enrolled in the on-campus section of that course.

If you are a graduate student and have a course conflict (this includes UNITE sections and on-campus sections), the Graduate Course Conflict Form is required in addition to the UNITE Registration Form:

Graduate Course Conflict Form (.pdf) 
Download and complete the Graduate Course Conflict Form. Submit to UNITE via email or in person. 

If you have any questions about enrolling, please call or send an email message to us.