Chip Laingen is the Corporate Vice President – Midwest Region, for Logistic Specialties, Inc. (LSI); and Executive Director of Defense Alliance, the region’s defense industry network, and winner of the 2014 Progress Minnesota Award. He is a member of various advisory boards including the Cleantech Open Midwest, Minnesota Cup, Full Stack St. Paul and the Cybersecurity Summit. During 2010-2011 he was an Executive Leadership Fellow for the University of Minnesota’s Center for Integrative Leadership. Commander Laingen served in the U.S. Navy for 21 years as an aviator, squadron commanding officer, associate professor of naval science, Moreau Scholar and speechwriter for two Secretaries of the Navy. He has written extensively on the many dynamics of leadership.
Ph.D. Studies in National Security Policy
Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy
Tufts University
Masters of Public Affairs
Humphrey Institute
University of Minnesota
Bachelor of Art in International Relations
University of Minnesota