Mark Wehde
MDI Fellow, James J. Renier Chair for Medical Device Innovation, TLI Faculty
Mark Wehde
MDI Fellow, James J. Renier Chair for Medical Device Innovation, TLI Faculty
MDI Fellow, James J. Renier Chair for Medical Device Innovation, TLI Faculty
MDI Fellow, James J. Renier Chair for Medical Device Innovation, TLI Faculty
Mark Wehde is chair of Mayo Clinic Engineering, assistant professor of Biomedical Engineering in the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science, and fellow in the Mayo Clinic Academy of Educational Excellence. He is also the James J. Renier Chair in Medical Device Innovation at the University of Minnesota Technology Leadership Institute and a lecturer in the University of Wisconsin – Eau Clair MBA program.
Mark is currently vice chair of the Mayo Employees Federal Credit Union board of directors and has served on the board of director for the international IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society. Mark is also a member of the South Dakota State University Electrical Engineering Advisory Board, the University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire Biomedical Engineering Advisory Board, the University of Minnesota Healthcare Management Advisory Board, and the Advisory Board for the Clinician Engineer Hub at Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, Imperial College London, and King’s College London.
Mark has given over 80 national and international presentations on the topics of medical device development and has published more than 25 articles on related topics. He is also a Senior Member of the IEEE.
Mark received a Master of Science degree in Biomedical Engineering from Iowa State University, a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from South Dakota State University, and a Master of Business Administration through the University of Wisconsin MBA Consortium.
M.S. in Medical Device Innovation
M.S. in Management of Technology
M.S. in Securities Technology
Master of Business Administration
University of Wisconsin MBA Consortium
Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering
Iowa State University
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
Minor area of study: Mathematics
South Dakota State University