
Diving into Mathematics with Emmy Noether

Emmy Noether was one of the twentieth century's most important mathematicians.  Her contributions, spanning invariant theory, the calculus of variations, abstract algebra, and number theory, combined with her mathematical philosophy have had a profound impact in mathematics, physics, and beyond. 

In this session, supplementing the evening's performance of the play Diving into Math with Emmy Noether, the presenters will give short general audience talks on various aspects of Noether's life, contributions, and impact, to be followed by time for questions and a panel discussion.  


3:00-3:30  Refreshments and socialization, Vincent Hall 120 (Commons room)

3:30-4:30  Presentations and questions, Vincent Hall 16

David Rowe (Institut für Mathematik, Johannes Gutenberg University, Germany) — Emmy Noether: from Invariant Theory to Physics to Abstract Algebra

Peter Olver (Mathematics, University of Minnesota) — The Curious History of Noether's Two Theorems

Peter Webb (Mathematics, University of Minnesota) — Noether's Impact in Algebra

Fiona Burrell (Physics, University of Minnesota) — Noether's Impact in Modern Physics

4:30-5:00  Panel discussion, Vincent Hall 16

7:00 p.m. Performance of Diving into Mathematics with Emily Noether

Coffman Union Theater

Emmy Noether (1882-1935) was one of the most influential mathematicians of the last century. Her works and teachings left a lasting mark on modern algebra, opening new avenues for a new structural perspective in mathematics. Noether was also one of the first women to gain the right to teach at a German university. She acquired that certification (Habilitation) on June 4, 1919, after submitting a thesis in which she solved one of the central problems in Einstein’s general theory of relativity. Her two celebrated theorems relating symmetries of variational problems and conservation laws of the field equations form the cornerstone of modern physical theories and beyond.

To celebrate the centenary of this event and the career of a unique personality in the history of mathematics, the ensemble Portrait Theater Vienna has produced a biographical play, directed by Sandra Schüddekopf and starring Anita Zieher as Emmy. The play is based on historical documents and events, and was written in cooperation with the historians Mechthild Koreuber and David E. Rowe. Further information can be found on the play’s website.

The University of Minnesota is pleased to announce that an English-language version of the play will performed on Sep 26, 2023 at 7 p.m. in Coffman Memorial Theater. Associated events are being planned to showcase the mathematical, scientific, and philosophical impact of Emmy Noether’s legacy.

Colloquium: Ramamurti Shankar, Yale University

Abstract: This talk will detail the emergence of Ramanujan from an obscure village in South India to his entering the most select circles of the mathematical world. The true nature of his stunningly original work is still being uncovered. The talk will provide both mathematical and personal details of this extraordinary genius.

Misel Colloquium: Francis Halzen, University of Wisconsin - Madison

Abstract: Below the geographic South Pole, the IceCube project has transformed one cubic kilometer of natural Antarctic ice into a neutrino detector. IceCube detects more than 100,000 neutrinos per year in the GeV to 10 PeV energy range. From those, we have isolated a flux of high-energy neutrinos originating beyond our Galaxy, with an energy flux that is comparable to that of the extragalactic high-energy photon flux observed by the NASA Fermi satellite. With a decade of data, we have identified their first sources, which point to the obscured dense cores associated with the supermassive black holes of some active galaxies as the origin of high-energy neutrinos (and cosmic rays!).


2023 Misel Family Lecture: Francis Halzen


The William I. Fine Theoretical Physics Institute (FTPI) at the University of Minnesota is pleased to announce Professor Francis Halzen as the 16th Annual Misel Lecturer.  Dr. Halzen is a Vilas and Gregory Breit Distinguished Professor of Physics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.  This lecture is FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Questions? Please contact us at or 612-625-6055. We look forward to seeing you there!

Abstract:  The IceCube project at the South Pole melted 86 holes 2.5 kilometer deep in the Antarctic icecap to construct an enormous astronomical observatory. The experiment discovered a flux of neutrinos from deep space with energies more than a million times those of neutrinos produced at accelerator laboratories. These cosmic neutrinos are created in some of the most violent processes in the universe since the Big Bang and originate in the cosmic particle accelerators that are still enigmatic sources of cosmic rays. This lecture will discuss the IceCube neutrino telescope and the discovery of high-energy neutrinos of cosmic origin. It will highlight the recent discovery that high-energy neutrinos—and cosmic rays—originate in sources powered by rotating supermassive black holes.

See more information on our 2023 Misel Lecture webpage.
Read more about Professor Halzen on his University of Wisconsin webpage.

Please register through the UMN Events Calendar (registration is encouraged but not required).

Colloquium: Fiona Burnell

Symmetry is powerful principle in physics, allowing us to make exact statements even in regimes where controlled calculations are challenging or impossible.  Thus understanding the ways in which different types of symmetries can constrain phases of matter is an important component of understanding what nature is capable of.  In this talk, I will describe how exploring new types of symmetries, including symmetries with unusual spatial structure, or symmetries that act on particles in exotic ways, has expanded our understanding of these possibilities, including identifying new classes of phases of matter, and new platforms with which to realize these.  
This colloquium will have a remote option via zoom:

Labor Day: University Closed

Federal Holiday

Universe in the Park: Wild River State Park

Universe in the Park is hosted by the Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics and area state and local parks.

Representatives of the Institute will present a short (~20 min) outdoor public talk and slide show. Presentations cover a variety of astronomical topics such as: the history of matter, how astronomers "see," and a journey through our solar system. For the 2022 season, talks will be outdoors to ensure they are as safe as possible.

Afterwards, if weather allows, attendees have the opportunity to view the sky through multiple 8-inch reflecting telescopes, operated by the staff and provided by the Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics. Additionally, free star maps (e.g., and instructions are provided. Throughout the evening, audience members are encouraged to ask questions and discuss topics ranging from backyard astronomy to the latest scientific discoveries.

Although a vehicle permit is usually required to enter the parks, the events are free to the public. More about Wild River State Park here

Universe in the Park: Eastman Nature Center

Universe in the Park is hosted by the Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics and area state and local parks.

Representatives of the Institute will present a short (~20 min) outdoor public talk and slide show. Presentations cover a variety of astronomical topics such as: the history of matter, how astronomers "see," and a journey through our solar system. For the 2022 season, talks will be outdoors to ensure they are as safe as possible.

Afterwards, if weather allows, attendees have the opportunity to view the sky through multiple 8-inch reflecting telescopes, operated by the staff and provided by the Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics. Additionally, free star maps (e.g., and instructions are provided. Throughout the evening, audience members are encouraged to ask questions and discuss topics ranging from backyard astronomy to the latest scientific discoveries.

Although a vehicle permit is usually required to enter the parks, the events are free to the public. More about Eastman Nature Center here

Meeting of the Solar Physics Division (SPD) of the AAS.

Registration is required for workshop and registration is open.


Go to meeting website for details about the days events

Meeting of the Solar Physics Division (SPD) of the AAS.

Registration is required for workshop and registration is open.


Go to meeting website for details about the days events

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