Previous Van Vleck Lectures

Picture of Rob Kennicutt wearing a suit outside smiling


The Cosmic Ecosystem: Connecting the Life Cycles of Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe

Robert Kennicutt

University of Arizona and Texas A&M University

Man smiling at camera sitting in front of technical equipment


"Stacking atomic layers: quest for new materials and physics"

Phillip Kim

Harvard University

Person with glasses and a suit smiling at camera


"A Deeper Understanding of the Universe from 1.2 miles Underground"

Arthur McDonald

Sudbury Neutrino Observatory

Person with grey hair and a blue coat smiling


"Click: The 3D Universe"

Margaret Geller

Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

Person wearing a suit smiling at camera


"The Epic Journey of Voyager 1 into Interstellar Space"

Don Gurnett

University of Iowa

Close up of a person with brown hair looking into the camera


"A Random Walk to Graphene"

Andre Geim

University of Manchester

Person wearing a red sweater holding a model molecule


"The Promise of Nanomaterials for Thermoelectric Applications"

Mildred Dresselhaus

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Bearded person with glasses, grey hair, and a suit


"Quantum Games, Quantum Information, and the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics"

Anton Zeilinger

University of Vienna

Black and white photo of person wearing suit


"Spintronics: electrons, spins, computers and telephones"

Albert Fert

Thales et Université Paris-Sud, Orsay, France

Person with glasses wearing a suit and yellow tie


The Coming Revolutions in Fundamental Physics"

David Gross

Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics

Bearded person with grey hair wearing a sweater


"Probing Einstein's Universe"

Barry C. Barish


Black and white photo of person in suit smiling at camera


"Does the Everyday World Really Obey Quantum Mechanics?"

Sir Anthony J. Leggett

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Black and white photo of person standing in front of a white board


"Bose-Einstein Condensates: the Coldest Matter in the Universe"

Wolfgang Ketterle

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Person with glasses standing in front of a white board


"Holding on to Atoms and Molecules with Lasers: From Atomic Clocks to Watching Biomolecules Move"

Steven Chu

Stanford University

Person with glasses standing in front of a book case


"How does the Sun Shine?"

John N. Bahcall

Institute for Advanced Study

Black and white photo of person smiling


"Fractional Charges and Other Tales from Flatland"

Horst L. Stormer

Columbia University

Black and white photo of person with a shirt and tie


"Some Episodes in the History of Cosmic Rays"

James W. Cronin

University of Chicago

Person sitting down smoking a pipe


""The Case for the Next Revolution in Physics""

Yakir Aharonov

Tel Aviv University and University of South Carolina

Picture of a person in a blue shirt with a red tie


"Superfluidity in Helium Three: The Discovery Though the Eyes of a Graduate Student"

Douglas Osheroff

Stanford University

Picture of a person in glasses wearing a suit and tie


"How the Brain Computes"

Charles F. Stevens

Stanford University

Person with glasses wearing a suit and red bowtie


"50 Years of Surprises: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, a Scientific Evergreen"

Charles P. Slichter

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Photo of person wearing white shirt


"New Directions in Applied Physics"

Freeman J.Dyson

Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton

Picture of person in a suit holding a microphone


"Dynamics of Wetting and Dewetting: Hydroplaning of Cars, Offset Printing and the Treatment of Vineyards"

P.G. de Gennes

College de France, Paris

Person in glasses wearing a suit and tie


"The Path of No Resistance: Past, Present and Future"

Paul C. W. Chu

University of Houston

Black and white photo of person with glasses


"More is Different: The Theory of Everything"

Robert B. Laughlin

Stanford University

Black and white picture of person with glasses and a suit


"Water Waves, Leaky Ceilings and the Height of Mountains"

Victor F. Weisskopf

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Person smiling at camera wearing glasses and shirt with red tie


"The Physics of Infrared Astronomy"

Frank J. Low

University of Arizona

Person smiling at camera with dark blue shirt


"Development of Ideas About Atomic Nuclei"

Ben R. Mottelson

NORDITA, Copenhagen, Denmark

Black and white photo of person with glasses and suit


"Experiments with Stored Neutrons: Measurements of Lifetime and Weight"

Wolfgang Paul

University of Bonn, Germany

Black and white photo of person with glasses in front of a bookshelf


Charles H. Townes

University of California, Berkeley

Black and white photo of bearded person


K. Alex Muller

IBM Zurich Research Laboratory and University of Zurich

Person smiling with a sweater


"Inner Space and Outer Space"

L. Lederman

Fermi National Laboratory and University of Chicago

Picture of person with glasses


"Imaginary Time"

Steven Hawking

University of Cambridge

Black and white photo of person in suit with glasses


"The Challenge in Particle Physics"

S. Glashow

Harvard University

Person with a beard and glasses


"Snatching Chaos from Order"

L. Kadanoff

University of Chicago

Black and white photo of person writing on a chalk board


"The Science and Technology of Directed Energy Weapons in SDI"

N. Bloembergen

Harvard University

Black and white photo of person wearing glasses


"Superconductivity: History and Recent Developments"

John Bardeen

University of Illinois, Urbana

Black and white picture of person with glasses looking off to their left


"Is Everything in the Universe Composed of Superstrings"

M. Gell-Mann

California Institute of Technology

Photo of person with glasses looking off to their left


"Applications of the Quantum Hall Effect"

K. von Klitzing

Max-Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart

Person with a gray suit and black tie


"Magnetism at Large"

B. Bleaney

University of Oxford

Black and white photo of bearded person with glasses


"The Quest for the Origin of the Elements"

W.A. Fowler

California Institute of Technology

Photo of person sat in front of a bookshelf


"And Just Exactly What Do You Do Dr. Anderson?"

P.W. Anderson

AT&T Bell Laboratories and Princeton University