Measuring Flows

Photo collage of experiments measuring flows

SAFL has a strong legacy of researching, designing, and developing technology and methodologies to collect data and measure fluid flows. We are continually developing new methods and techniques for observing, measuring, logging, and communicating data, such as remote measurement of water flow and chemistry, development of innovative imaging techniques to capture the wake behind a full scale wind turbine, using satellites to determine what proportion of precipitation falls as rain versus snow, detecting and measuring microplastics in rivers and lakes, or tracking wave energy as it moves across a lake or ocean.

SAFL Affiliated Faculty
Ardeshir Ebtehaj
John Gulliver
Jiarong Hong
Andrew Wickert

SAFL Researchers
Ben Erickson
Christopher Feist
Matt Hernick
Ben Janke
Jessica Kozarek
Matt Lueker
Jeff Marr
Chris Milliren


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