Qizhi He joins CEGE

The department welcomes Assistant Professor Qizhi He. Qizhi (“KaiChi”) earned his Ph.D. (2018) in Structural Engineering with a specialization in Computational Science from the University of California San Diego. He also holds a Master’s degree in applied mathematics (University of California San Diego, 2016) and a Master’s in computational mechanics (Dalian University of Technology, China, 2013).

CEGE is a unique place to support our next generation of students to advance their fundamental understanding of the nature of materials and structures, and to empower them to create a more resilient and sustainable world."

– Qizhi He

After completing his schooling, He was a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at San Diego State University.

He conducts research at the intersection of computational mechanics, materials modeling, and scientific machine learning, with a focus on developing computational tools that synergize physics-based and data-driven approaches for modeling and forecasting of multiscale multiphysics processes. His recent research interests span material fracture and damage, topology optimization aided structural design, reduced-order modeling, and deep learning for inverse problems, with a special interest in their applications involving porous, composite, and energetic materials. The goal of his research is to improve fundamental understanding of the mechanics and physics of materials across different length and time scales, and to advance the predictive simulation and design capabilities for complex engineered and natural systems.

Qizhi He will be teaching Applied Structural Mechanics in fall 2022. He also would like to develop a new course titled Scientific Machine Learning for Engineering Science.
