Awards & Funds
CEGE Strategic Initiatives Fund
Provides flexible support needed by the department to continuously enhance its teaching, research, and operations by assisting with attracting, retaining, and supporting outstanding faculty and students. Funds are used at the discretion of the department head to improve CEGE.
Algot Johnson Fund
Established by the Al Johnson Construction Co. to be used by CEGE to maintain facilities within the Civil Engineering Building.
CEGE Equipment Fund
To be used for expenses related to CEGE department research and instructional equipment and furnishings.
CEGE Recruitment Fund
To be used for expenses related to recruitment of new CEGE undergraduates.
Marvin G. Sedam Endowment
To be used to benefit the geoengineering program.
MAST (Multi-Axial Subassemblage Testing) Laboratory Program Support
To provide support to maintain and enhance CEGE’s MAST Laboratory, the largest test system of its kind in the world, which provides a powerful tool to investigate the effects of earthquakes, hurricanes, and other extreme events on large structural components up to several stories tall.
Michael M. and Nancy L. Heuer Soil Mechanics Laboratory Operations Fund
Established by CEGE alumni Michael and Nancy Heuer to annually maintain and improve the operational excellence of the Heuer Soil Mechanics Laboratory, a vitally important CEGE instructional facility.
Robert and Joyce Rosene Student Facilities Endowment Fund
Created by CEGE alumnus Robert Rosene and his spouse Joyce to support the educational and student experience for CEGE undergraduates. To be used to maintain and update the Robert W. and Joyce H. Rosene Student Lounge in the Civil Engineering Building.
Vardoulakis Lecture in Geomechanics
To provide support for lectures focusing on geomechanics.
Warren Lectureship Fund
This renewing gift from Alice Warren Gaarden funds CEGE’s Warren Distinguished Lecture Series, which brings in exceptional speakers from around the world to present to faculty, staff, students, industry, alumni and friends on topics in civil, environmental, and geo- engineering.