Advisers for Environmental Engineering Majors
CEGE undergraduate students majoring in Environmental Engineering can indicate their preference for an adviser. See below for brief advising bios of each faculty. When ready to indicate your preferences, click the button "EnvE Adviser Request Form" to complete the form (requires log in with your UMN ID).
Bill Arnold
Area of Emphasis: Environmental
Statement:My interest in environmental engineering was built on an interest in chemistry. I liked chemical principles, but wanted to apply them to real problems. I eventually figured out that a way to do this was to focus on what happens to chemicals in the environment and to develop techniques to degrade water pollutants.
Tim LaPara
Area of Emphasis: Environmental, Geomechanics, Structural, Transportation, Water Resources
Statement: My teaching and research primarily focus on the treatment of public drinking water supplies and of municipal wastewater. At the undergraduate level, I teach CEGE 4502: Water and Wastewater Treatment. I have previously served as Director of Undergraduate Studies of the Civil Engineering major, during which time I advised 300+ students simultaneously, so I have a good deal of experience advising Civil Engineering students in all areas of the discipline.
Paige Novak
Area of Emphasis: Environmental
Statement: I love understanding how and why bacteria perform the metabolic functions that they do and using this information to actually solve environmental problems.
Erin Surdo
Area of Emphasis: Environmental
Statement: My teaching interests are in using experiences, through laboratory measurements, site visits, and group work to understand concepts and applications in environmental engineering.
Boya Xiong
Area of Emphasis: Environmental
Statement: I am passionate about understanding the interaction between polymer and plastic materials that we make, use, and throw away every day, and our water quality and ecosystem health. I hope that with this understanding, we can design a future without pollution.