How to Apply
The University of Minnesota Office of Admissions handles all applications for undergraduate admission into the College of Science and Engineering (CSE).
All freshmen entering the College of Science and Engineering spend their first two years taking foundational math and science courses. Lower-division (first- and second-year) students can specify a major for course planning purposes, but do not officially become majors in a department until they apply for admission to upper division.
Transfer Students
We want you here!
Many undergraduates begin their studies at other schools and transfer into our programs as juniors or seniors. The Office of Admissions handles all transfer applications into the College of Science and Engineering.
To learn about how courses taken from another college or university will transfer to the University of Minnesota Twin Cities, you can visit Transferology (not part of UMN). This free, web-based system grants you access to accurate, up-to-date information about how your courses will transfer to a degree program at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities.
Applying for a Major
Admission to a major in the College of Science and Engineering is a competitive process based on the successful completion of specific technical courses and a grade point average (GPA) based on technical courses (the technical GPA).
Students who have completed the necessary technical courses and have a 3.2 or above technical GPA by the end of fall semester of their sophomore year will be guaranteed admission to their intended major. All other students who have completed the necessary technical coursework for their intended major (as identified by each department) will be considered for admission to their intended major on a space-available basis.
Students who are not admitted to their intended major should work closely with their college academic advisors to determine their next steps and future options.
Contact the Coordinator of Undergraduate Student Programs
[email protected]