CEGE Magazine

CEGE magazine is published by the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geo- Engineering twice a year. Each issue highlights departmental news, engineering-related research, inspiring student stories, and achievements of our alumni. Please send news and story ideas to [email protected].

CEGE magazine cover showing Professor Jia-Liang Le, post doctoral researcher He Zhang, undergraduate Chimdi Onyiuke, and Professor Emmanuel Detournay use the new rock strength device (the “Wombat”) in the Lacabanne Rock Mechanics Laboratory for their research on the strength of quasi-brittle materials.
Professor Jia-Liang Le, post doctoral researcher He Zhang, undergraduate Chimdi Onyiuke, and Professor Emmanuel Detournay use the new rock strength device (the “Wombat”) in the Lacabanne Rock Mechanics Laboratory for their research on the strength of quasi-brittle materials.

Special Issue
Fairhurst and Galambos: Celebration of 90 Years

view 90 Years Special Issue as flipbook

This special edition celebrates Emeritus Professor Charles Fairhurst and Emeritus Professor Ted Galambos, who have been instrumental in establishing CEGE and its reputation as a department of inspired and innovative engineering for society.

Cover art for special tribute to Charles Fairhurst, pictured upper left) and Theodore Galambos (pictured lower right)

Fall 2019

view Fall 2019 as flipbook

Cover art - site of an an enhanced iron filter to highlight the research of John Gulliver

Fall 2015

view Fall 2015 as flipbook

Four professors who research mathematical modeling


Spring 2015

view Spring 2015 as flipbook

Cover depicts the water resource research of Otto Strack and Randal Barnes

Fall 2014

view Fall 2014 as flipbook

Three Majors: Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, and Geoengineering

Spring 2014

Section of the wall mural in the WSB Study Lounge in the Civil Engineering Building

Fall 2013

Cover of the 2013 issue of CEGE magazine shows a collage of people covered in this issue