Ben Erickson

Contact Information

Phone: 612-624-3941
Email: [email protected]
SAFL Office: 226


Ben spent his youth enjoying the aquatic environments of Chester Creek and Lake Superior. In 1991, he went back to school at the University of Minnesota, where he met Professor John Gulliver and joined his research group at SAFL. He spent a few years working on air-water gas transfer research. In 1993 he began working for the lab as a researcher completing physical model studies, lake monitoring, and a large variety of other projects.  In 2006, he began working on building improvement projects. He oversaw the Outdoor Stream Lab (OSL) construction and the rehabilitation of the upper plaza.  In 2010 he was part of the team that completed  infrastructure renovation of the entire laboratory.  Since 2010 he has held the position of Facility Coordinator, overseeing daily operations at SAFL.    

Before joining the lab Ben worked in the Mississippi river barge industry, taught scuba diving, and was a commercial diver. When not at SAFL, Ben enjoys swimming, scuba diving, underwater hockey, and boats.