Colloquia and Seminars

The School of Physics and Astronomy offers a large number of scientific presentations every week. Many of these provide reviews of current research that will be of interest to students and faculty alike. Here, we provide a summary of the different types of weekly presentations and links to the updated schedules.

The School of Physics and Astronomy also provides a weekly calendar of seminars and colloquia.

Physics and Astronomy Weekly Calendar

Colloquiua and Seminar Series of Interest to Members of MIfA

Held on Friday afternoons, these talks generally feature invited speakers presenting reviews of current research on a variety of topics.

A weekly seminar sponsored by the Space Physics group.

Journal Clubs provide an opportunity for faculty and graduate students to hear about interesting research from around the world, through reviews of published articles, preprints, or meeting reports. Held on Mondays, a typical lunchtime seminar features one talk given by a graduate student and another by a faculty member or postdoc.

Held on Thursday afternoons, School of Physics and Astronomy Colloquia are intended for non-specialists and often contain topics of interest to astrophysics.

A weekly seminar covering topics in nuclear physics.