Undergraduate Courses
AST 2001: Introduction to Astrophysics
4 credits — Lecture
Prerequisites: one year of calculus, PHYS 1302 (or instructor consent)
Typically Offered: Every Fall & Spring
Physical principles and study of solar system, stars, galaxy, and universe. How observations/conclusions are made.
AST 2993: Directed Studies
1–5 credits — Independent Study
Prerequisites: one year of calculus, PHYS 1302 and instructor consent
Typically Offered: Every Fall & Spring
Independent, directed study in observational and theoretical astrophysics. Arranged with faculty member.
AST 4001: Astrophysics I
4 credits — Lecture
Prerequisites: AST 2001, PHYS 2601
Typically Offered: Periodic Fall
Astrophysics of stars and stellar populations. Stellar formation, evolution, interiors/atmospheres. Stellar populations, galactic distribution of stars.
AST 4002: Astrophysics II
4 credits — Lecture
Prerequisites: AST 2001, PHYS 2601
Typically Offered: Periodic Fall
Astrophysics of galaxies and the universe. Diffuse matter, galactic structure, and evolution. Clusters of galaxies. Introductory cosmology, evolution of the universe.
AST 4031: Interpretation and Analysis of Astrophysical Data
4 credits — Lecture
Prerequisites: MATH 2243, 2373, or equivalent, MATH 2263, 2374, or equivalent, AST 2001 or instructor consent
Typically Offered: Every Spring
Introduction to analysis techniques with applications to modern astrophysics. Methods to interpret/analyze large data sets from experiments. Principles/methods of analysis, with applications to current research. For senior undergraduate/graduate students in Physics/Astronomy.
AST 4041: Computational Methods in the Physical Sciences
4 credits — Lab and lecture
Prerequisites: Upper division, graduate student, or instructor consent
Typically Offered: Periodic Fall & Spring
Introduction to using computer programs to solve problems in physical sciences. Selected numerical methods, mapping problems onto computational algorithms. Arranged lab.
AST 4299H: Senior Honors Astrophysics Research Seminar
1 credit — Lecture
Prerequisites: Upper division honors student in IT or CLA and instructor consent
Typically Offered: Every Fall & Spring
Based on department's research seminar.
AST 4993: Directed Studies
1–5 credits — Independent Study
Prerequisites: AST 2001 and instructor consent
Typically Offered: Every Fall & Spring
Independent, directed study in observational and theoretical astrophysics. Arranged with faculty member.
AST 4994W - Directed Research
2–5 credits — Independent Study
Prerequisite: instructor consent
Typically Offered: Every Fall & Spring
Independent research in observational or theoretical astrophysics. Senior Thesis for undergraduate astrophysics majors. Arranged with faculty member.