Large Binocular Telescope (LBT)

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Thanks to a generous donation from Stanley Hubbard of Hubbard Broadcasting Corporation and continued support for the Dean of the College of Science and Engineering, the Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics is a member of the LBT consortium. As part of our arrangement with the LBT Observatory and the University of Arizona/Steward Observatory, we also have access to the Steward telescopes including the MMT Observatory, Bok 90-inch on Kitt Peak, and the Magellan Telescopes.


The current suite of instruments includes MODS, Lucifer (Lucy), the LBC, LBTI, LMIRCam and NOMIC. The laser guide star system (ARGOS) and PEPSI, a high-resolution spectrograph, have recently completed handover to facility status.

MIfA participated in the design and construction of the near and mid-infrared AO imager LMIRCam, the Arizona Lenslet Array of Exoplanet Spectroscopy (ALES and its companion NALES)  and was responsible for the imaging polarimeter, MMTPol, on the MMT on Mt. Hopkins.

Research under LBT

Our research has benefited greatly from access to these telescopes and their instruments, in all areas of astrophysics, ranging from exoplanet systems, to massive stars and SN impostors, to AGNs.

Here we list a few examples with links to recent papers and news. For additional information about our research, see the web pages for individual faculty.

Exoplanets/Brown Dwarfs

Direct imaging of a variety of exoplanets was conducted by LEECH (LBT Exozodi Exoplanet Common Hunt) survey team, including Professor Chick Woodward. Members of this team are also collaborating on observations of Brown Dwarfs. The LEECH survey was published in 2018, while example brown results were highlighted in the 2019 May Astronomical Journal. 

Massive Stars & SN Impostors

    Spectroscopy of Luminous Blue Variable and associated supergiants stars by Prof Roberta Humphreys, published in the ApJ.
    High spectral resolution (R~120K) observations of lithium T Crb by Prof Chick Woodward published in the May 2020 Astronomical J.
  • LBT/LMIRcam
    Imaging of Gravitationally Lensed quasar HS 0810+2254 by Prof. T.J. Jones, and Liliya Willimas published in the 2019 November Astronomical J.
    Mid- to far-infrared imaging of OH/IR Supergiants by Michael Gordon, published in April 2018 in the AJ.

Galaxy Surveys

    Ultra-deep surveys of GOODs fields, published by Teresa Ashcraft collaborating with Prof. Claudia Scarlata in the Publ. Astronomical Soc. of the Pacific in 2018.

Hɪɪ Regions

    Direct abundance measurements of chemical abundances in spiral galaxies Hɪɪ Regions in NGC3814 published by Danielle Berg in collaboration with Prof. Evan Skillman in the 2020 April Astrophysical J.