Graduate Alumni 2020–Present

Matt Gomer

Dr. Matthew R. Gomer ’20

After graduating, I continued my work overseas at the University of Liège in Belgium, where I currently study gravitational lensing degeneracies and their role on cosmological constraints. As a part of the TDCOSMO collaboration, I work with an international group to identify and reduce systematic uncertainties in the determination of H0.

Advisor: Liliya L. R. Williams

Chris Nolting

Dr. Chris Nolting '20

After graduating in 2020, I moved to Charleston, SC and joined the College of Charleston as the Astronomy Research and Teaching Fellow. I taught intro astronomy and continued my research on simulations of radio galaxy jets and their interactions with their environment. I'll soon be moving to Santa Fe, NM to work at the Los Alamos National Lab as a postdoc in the astrophysics group.

Advisor: Tom Jones

Read Chris's Dissertation