Liliya L. R. Williams
Director of Undergraduate Studies for MIfA
Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
285-10 John T. Tate Hall
116 Church Street Se
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Liliya L. R. Williams
Director of Undergraduate Studies for MIfA
Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
My research centers on the role of gravity in cosmology: I use gravitational lensing and classical dynamics to study the mass distribution in the Universe, from sub-galactic to galaxy-cluster scales, with the goal of elucidating the nature of dark matter and constraining cosmological parameters. Gravitational lensing is the deflection of light from distant background sources by the intervening mass distribution, like galaxies and clusters of galaxies. Lensing is by far the best tool for the purpose of mapping out the mass distribution, as it does not rely on assumptions about the physical state of the mass. I use multiple images of distant quasars and galaxies to map out in detail the mass distribution of dark matter and ordinary matter (mainly stars) in galaxies and clusters of galaxies. Classical dynamics is a powerful means of addressing the problem of formation, evolution and relaxation of individual galaxies and clusters of galaxies. I use analytical and semi-analytical techniques to gain better understanding of dark matter halos. I am also developing theoretical models to explain the properties of dark matter halos obtained in numerical computer simulations. Our models account for the spatial and velocity distribution of dark matter within galaxy halos. They are based on fundamental physical principles, and promise to connect systems governed by Newtonian gravity with those studied by other branches of physics, like statistical mechanics and thermodynamics.
Visit Liliya L. R. Williams's Experts@Minnesota profile page.
Research Tags:
Ph.D., University of Washington, 1995
B.Sc., Princeton University, 1988
Selected Publications
- Barrera, B., Williams, L.L.R., Coles, J.P., Denzel, P. 2021, "Bridging the Gap Between Simply Parametrized and Free-Form Pixelated Models of Galaxy Lenses: The Case of WFI 2033-4723 Quad " Open Journal of Astroph., Vol.4, 2021.
- Agniva Ghosh, Liliya L. R. Williams, Jori Liesenborgs, et al. 2021, "Further support for a trio of mass-to-light deviations in Abell 370: free-form Grale lens inversion using BUFFALO strong lensing data, MNRAS," 506, 6144
- Gomer, Matthew R. & Williams, Liliya L.R., Galaxy-lens determination of H0: the effect of the ellipse + shear modelling assumption, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 504, Issue 1, June 2021, 1340–1354
- Zegeye, David & Williams, Liliya L.R., Two-component mass models of the lensing galaxy in the quadruply imaged supernova iPTF16geu, Open Journal of Astrophysics, Vol 3, September 15, 2020
- Ghosh, Agniva; Williams, Liliya L.R.; Liesenborgs, Jori, Free-form Grale lens inversion of galaxy clusters with up to 1000 multiple images, MNRAS, Volume 494, Issue 3, May 2020, 3998–4014
- Gomer, Matthew R. & Williams, Liliya L.R,, Galaxy-lens determination of H0: constraining density slope in the context of the mass sheet degeneracy, JCAP 11 (2020) 045
- Arora, Arpit & Williams, Liliya L.R., Power law pseudo phase-space density profiles of dark matter halos: fluke of physics?, ApJ 893 53
- Young, Anthony M.; Williams, Liliya L. R.; Hjorth, Jens, Ubiquity of density slope oscillations in the central regions of galaxy and cluster-sized systems, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
- Priewe, Jett; Williams, Liliya L. R.; Liesenborgs, Jori; Coe, Dan; Rodney, Steven A., Lens Models Under the Microscope: Comparison of Hubble Frontier Field Cluster Magnification Maps, MNRAS, Volume 465, Issue 1, 11 February 2017, 1030–1045
- Nolting, Chris; Williams, Liliya L. R.; Boylan-Kolchin, Michael; Hjorth, Jens, Testing DARKexp against energy and density distributions of Millennium-II halos, JCAP 09 (2016) 042
- Woldesenbet, Addishiwot G. & Williams, Liliya L. R., Model-free analysis of quadruply imaged gravitationally lensed systems and substructured galaxies, MNRAS, Volume 454, Issue 1, 21 November 2015, 862–875
- Massey, Richard; Williams, Liliya, et al., The behaviour of dark matter associated with 4 bright cluster galaxies in the 10kpc core of Abell 3827, MNRAS 449 (2015) 3393
- Dhar, Barun Kumar & Williams, Liliya L. R., Surface brightness and intrinsic luminosity of ellipticals, MNRAS, Volume 427, Issue 1, 21 November 2012, 204–244
- Williams, Liliya L. R.; Barnes, Eric I.; Hjorth, Jens, Collisionless dynamics in globular clusters, MNRAS, Volume 423, Issue 4, July 2012, 3589–3600
- Williams, Liliya L. R. & Saha, Prasenjit , Light/mass offsets in the lensing cluster Abell 3827: evidence for collisional dark matter?, MNRAS, Volume 415, Issue 1, July 2011, Pages 448–460
- Hjorth, Jens & Williams, Liliya L. R., Statistical Mechanics of Collisionless Orbits. I. Origin of Central Cusps in Dark-matter Halos, ApJ (2010)
- Williams, Liliya L. R. & Hjorth, Jens, Statistical Mechanics of Collisionless Orbits. II. Structure of Halos, ApJ (2010)
- Williams, Liliya L. R.; Hjorth, Jens & Wojtak, Radosław, Statistical Mechanics of Collisionless Orbits. III. Comparison with N-body Simulations, ApJ (2010)
- Rudnick, L., Brown, S., and Williams, L.L.R., Extragalactic Radio Sources and the WMAP Cold Spot., ApJ, (2007)
Kelly, P.L., Rodney, S., Treu, T., Oguri, M., Chen, W., Zitrin, A., Birrer, S., Bonvin, V., Dessart, L., Diego, J.M., Filippenko, A.V., Foley, R.J., Gilman, D., Hjorth, J., Jauzac, M., Mandel, K., Millon, M., Pierel, J., Sharon, K., Thorp, S., Williams, L., Broadhurst, T., Dressler, A., Graur, O., Jha, S., McCully, C., Postman, M., Schmidt, K.B., Tucker, B.E., von der Linden, A. (2023). Constraints on the Hubble constant from supernova Refsdal’s reappearance. Science. 380 (6649), [eabh1322].
DOI: 10.1126/science.abh1322
Perera, D., Williams, L.L.R., Scarlata, C. (2023). Constraints on the inner regions of lensing galaxies from central images using a recent AGN offset distribution. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 522 (2), [1863-1880].
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stad1110
Meena, A.K., Chen, W., Zitrin, A., Kelly, P.L., Golubchik, M., Zhou, R., Alfred, A., Broadhurst, T., Diego, J.M., Filippenko, A.V., Li, S.K., Oguri, M., Smith, N., Williams, L.L.R. (2023). Flashlights: an off-caustic lensed star at redshift z = 1.26 in Abell 370. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 521 (4), [5224-5231].
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stad869
Ghosh, A., Adams, D., Williams, L.L.R., Liesenborgs, J., Alavi, A., Scarlata, C. (2022). An excursion into the core of the cluster lens Abell 1689.
Electronic version
Kelly, P.L., Chen, W., Alfred, A., Broadhurst, T.J., Diego, J.M., Emami, N., Filippenko, A.V., Keen, A., Li, S.K., Lim, J., Meena, A.K., Oguri, M., Scarlata, C., Treu, T., Williams, H., Williams, L.L.R., Zhou, R., Zitrin, A., Foley, R.J., Jha, S.W., Kaiser, N., Mehta, V., Rieck, S., Salo, L., Smith, N., Weisz, D.R. (2022). Flashlights: More than A Dozen High-Significance Microlensing Events of Extremely Magnified Stars in Galaxies at Redshifts z=0.7-1.5.
Electronic version
Meena, A.K., Chen, W., Zitrin, A., Kelly, P.L., Golubchik, M., Zhou, R., Alfred, A., Broadhurst, T., Diego, J.M., Oguri, M., Williams, L.L.R., Filippenko, A.V., Li, S.K. (2022). Flashlights: An Off-Caustic Lensed Star at Redshift $z$ = 1.26 in Abell 370.
Electronic version
Williams, L.L.R., Hjorth, J. (2022). Statistical Mechanics of Collisionless Orbits. V. The Approach to Equilibrium for Idealized Self-gravitating Systems. Astrophysical Journal. 937 (2), [67].
DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ac8d06
Shajib, A.J., Vernardos, G., Collett, T.E., Motta, V., Sluse, D., Williams, L.L., Saha, P., Birrer, S., Spiniello, C., Treu, T. (2022). Strong Lensing by Galaxies. In Space Science Reviews.
DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2210.10790
Barrera, B., Williams, L.L., Coles, J.P., Denzel, P. (2021). Bridging the Gap Between Simply Parametrized and Free-Form Pixelated Models of Galaxy Lenses: The Case of WFI 2033-4723 Quad. The Open Journal of Astrophysics. 4 (1),
DOI: 10.21105/astro.2108.04348 Electronic version
Ghosh, A., Williams, L.L.R., Liesenborgs, J., Acebron, A., Jauzac, M., Koekemoer, A.M., Mahler, G., Niemiec, A., Steinhardt, C., Faisst, A.L., Lagattuta, D., Natarajan, P. (2021). Erratum: Further support for a trio of mass-to-light deviations in Abell 370: Free-form grale lens inversion using BUFFALO strong lensing data (Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stab1196). Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 506 (4), [6159].
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stab2096
Meena, A.K., Ghosh, A., Bagla, J.S., Williams, L.L.R. (2021). Exotic image formation in strong gravitational lensing by clusters of galaxies - II. Uncertainties. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 506 (1), [1526-1539].
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stab1807
Ghosh, A., Williams, L.L.R., Liesenborgs, J., Acebron, A., Jauzac, M., Koekemoer, A.M., Mahler, G., Niemiec, A., Steinhardt, C., Faisst, A.L., Lagattuta, D., Natarajan, P. (2021). Further support for a trio of mass-to-light deviations in Abell 370: Free-form grale lens inversion using BUFFALO strong lensing data. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 506 (4), [6144-6158].
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stab1196
Gomer, M., Williams, L.L.R., Gomer, M. (2021). Galaxy-lens determination of H0: The effect of the ellipse + shear modelling assumption. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 504 (1), [1340-1354].
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stab930
Denzel, P., Coles, J.P., Saha, P., Williams, L.L.R. (2021). The Hubble constant from eight time-delay galaxy lenses. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 501 (1), [784-801].
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/staa3603
Ding, X., Treu, T., Birrer, S., Chen, G.C.F., Coles, J., Denzel, P., Frigo, M., Galan, A., Marshall, P.J., Millon, M., More, A., Shajib, A.J., Sluse, D., Tak, H., Xu, D., Auger, M.W., Bonvin, V., Chand, H., Courbin, F., Despali, G., Fassnacht, C.D., Gilman, D., Hilbert, S., Kumar, S.R., Lin, J.Y.Y., Park, J.W., Saha, P., Vegetti, S., Van De Vyvere, L., Williams, L.L.R. (2021). Time delay lens modelling challenge. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 503 (1), [1096-1123].
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stab484
Liesenborgs, J., Williams, L.L.R., Wagner, J., de Rijcke, S. (2020). Extended lens reconstructions with GRALE: Exploiting time-domain, substructural, and weak lensing information. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 494 (3), [3253-3274].
DOI: 10.1093/MNRAS/STAA842
Ghosh, A., Williams, L.L.R., Liesenborgs, J. (2020). Free-form grale lens inversion of galaxy clusters with up to 1000 multiple images. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 494 (3), [3998-4014].
DOI: 10.1093/MNRAS/STAA962
Gomer, M., Williams, L.L.R. (2020). Galaxy-lens determination of H0: constraining density slope in the context of the mass sheet degeneracy. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. 2020 (11), [045].
DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2020/11/045
Wagner, J., Williams, L.L.R. (2020). Model-independent and model-based local lensing properties of B0128+437 from resolved quasar images. Astronomy and Astrophysics. [A86].
DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201936628
Arora, A., Williams, L.L.R. (2020). Power-law Pseudo-phase-space Density Profiles of Dark Matter Halos: A Fluke of Physics?. Astrophysical Journal. 893 (1), [53].
DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ab7f2e
Steinhardt, C.L., Jauzac, M., Acebron, A., Atek, H., Capak, P., Davidzon, I., Eckert, D., Harvey, D., Koekemoer, A.M., Lagos, C.D.P., Mahler, G., Montes, M., Niemiec, A., Nonino, M., Oesch, P.A., Richard, J., Rodney, S.A., Schaller, M., Sharon, K., Strolger, L.G., Allingham, J., Amara, A., Bahé, Y., Bœhm, C., Bose, S., Bouwens, R.J., Bradley, L.D., Brammer, G., Broadhurst, T., Cañas, R., Cen, R., Clément, B., Clowe, D., Coe, D., Connor, T., Darvish, B., Diego, J.M., Ebeling, H., Edge, A.C., Egami, E., Ettori, S., Faisst, A.L., Frye, B., Furtak, L.J., Gómez-Guijarro, C., Remolina González, J.D., Gonzalez, A., Graur, O., Gruen, D., Harvey, D., Hensley, H., Hovis-Afflerbach, B., Jablonka, P., Jha, S.W., Jullo, E., Kneib, J.P., Kokorev, V., Lagattuta, D.J., Limousin, M., Von Der Linden, A., Linzer, N.B., Lopez, A., Magdis, G.E., Massey, R., Masters, D.C., Maturi, M., McCully, C., McGee, S.L., Meneghetti, M., Mobasher, B., Moustakas, L.A., Murphy, E.J., Natarajan, P., Neyrinck, M., O'Connor, K., Oguri, M., Pagul, A., Rhodes, J., Rich, R.M., Robertson, A., Sereno, M., Shan, H., Smith, G.P., Sneppen, A., Squires, G.K., Tam, S.I., Tchernin, C., Toft, S., Umetsu, K., Weaver, J.R., Van Weeren, R.J., Williams, L.L.R., Wilson, T.J., Yan, L., Zitrin, A. (2020). The BUFFALO HST Survey. Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series. 247 (2), [64].
DOI: 10.3847/1538-4365/ab75ed
Williams, L.L.R., Zegeye, D. (2020). Two-component mass models of the lensing galaxy in the quadruply imaged supernova iPTF16geu. The Open Journal of Astrophysics. 3 (1),
DOI: 10.21105/astro.2006.09391 Electronic version
Sebesta, K., Williams, L.L.R., Liesenborgs, J., Medezinski, E., Okabe, N. (2019). Free-form GRALE reconstruction of Abell 2744: Robustness of uncertainties against changes in lensing data. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 488 (3), [3251-3261].
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stz1950
Jones, T.J., Williams, L.L.R., Ertel, S., Hinz, P.M., Vaz, A., Walsh, S., Webster, R. (2019). Image Flux Ratios of Gravitationally Lensed HS 0810+2554 with High-resolution Infrared Imaging. Astronomical Journal. 158 (6), [237].
DOI: 10.3847/1538-3881/ab5108
Chen, W., Kelly, P.L., Diego, J.M., Oguri, M., Williams, L.L.R., Zitrin, A., Treu, T.L., Smith, N., Broadhurst, T.J., Kaiser, N., Foley, R.J., Filippenko, A.V., Salo, L., Hjorth, J., Selsing, J. (2019). Searching for Highly Magnified Stars at Cosmological Distances: Discovery of a Redshift 0.94 Blue Supergiant in Archival Images of the Galaxy Cluster MACS J0416.1-2403. Astrophysical Journal. 881 (1), [8].
DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ab297d
Williams, L.L.R., Liesenborgs, J. (2019). The role of multiple images and model priors in measuring H0 from supernova Refsdal in galaxy cluster MACS J1149.5+2223. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 482 (4), [5666-5677].
Accepted author manuscriptDOI: 10.1093/mnras/sty3113
Massey, R., Harvey, D., Liesenborgs, J., Richard, J., Stach, S., Swinbank, M., Taylor, P., Williams, L., Clowe, D., Courbin, F., Edge, A., Israel, H., Jauzac, M., Joseph, R., Jullo, E., Kitching, T.D., Leonard, A., Merten, J., Nagai, D., Nightingale, J., Robertson, A., Romualdez, L.J., Saha, P., Smit, R., Tam, S.I., Tittley, E. (2018). Dark matter dynamics in Abell 3827: New data consistent with standard cold dark matter. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 477 (1), [669-677].
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/sty630
Diego, J.M., Kaiser, N., Broadhurst, T., Kelly, P.L., Rodney, S., Morishita, T., Oguri, M., Ross, T.W., Zitrin, A., Jauzac, M., Richard, J., Williams, L., Vega-Ferrero, J., Frye, B., Filippenko, A.V. (2018). Dark Matter under the Microscope: Constraining Compact Dark Matter with Caustic Crossing Events. Astrophysical Journal. 857 (1), [25].
DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/aab617
Young, A.M., Williams, L.L.R., Hjorth, J. (2018). Dynamics of merging: Post-merger mixing and relaxation of an Illustris galaxy. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. 2018 (2), [033].
DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2018/02/033
Williams, L.L.R., Sebesta, K., Liesenborgs, J. (2018). Evidence for the line-of-sight structure in the Hubble Frontier Field cluster, MACSJ0717.5+3745. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 480 (3), [3140-3151].
Accepted author manuscriptDOI: 10.1093/mnras/sty2088
Walls, L.G., Williams, L.L.R. (2018). Testing the uniqueness of gravitational lens mass models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 481 (1), [655-665].
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/sty2263
Gomer, M.R., Williams, L.L.R. (2018). The impact of ΛCDM substructure and baryon-dark matter transition on the image positions of quad galaxy lenses. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 475 (2), [1987-2002].
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stx3294
Rodney, S.A., Balestra, I., Bradac, M., Brammer, G., Broadhurst, T., Caminha, G.B., Chirivì, G., Diego, J.M., Filippenko, A.V., Foley, R.J., Graur, O., Grillo, C., Hemmati, S., Hjorth, J., Hoag, A., Jauzac, M., Jha, S.W., Kawamata, R., Kelly, P.L., McCully, C., Mobasher, B., Molino, A., Oguri, M., Richard, J., Riess, A.G., Rosati, P., Schmidt, K.B., Selsing, J., Sharon, K., Strolger, L.G., Suyu, S.H., Treu, T., Weiner, B.J., Williams, L.L.R., Zitrin, A. (2018). Two peculiar fast transients in a strongly lensed host galaxy. Nature Astronomy. 2 (4), [324-333].
Accepted author manuscriptDOI: 10.1038/s41550-018-0405-4
Priewe, J., Williams, L.L.R., Liesenborgs, J., Coe, D., Rodney, S.A. (2017). Lens models under the microscope: Comparison of Hubble Frontier Field cluster magnification maps. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 465 (1), [1030-1045].
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stw2785
Meneghetti, M., Natarajan, P., Coe, D., Contini, E., De Lucia, G., Giocoli, C., Acebron, A., Borgani, S., Bradac, M., Diego, J.M., Hoag, A., Ishigaki, M., Johnson, T.L., Jullo, E., Kawamata, R., Lam, D., Limousin, M., Liesenborgs, J., Oguri, M., Sebesta, K., Sharon, K., Williams, L.L.R., Zitrin, A. (2017). The Frontier Fields lens modelling comparison project. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 472 (3), [3177-3216].
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stx2064
Mohammed, I., Saha, P., Williams, L.L.R., Liesenborgs, J., Sebesta, K. (2016). Quantifying substructures in hubble frontier field clusters: Comparison with ΛCDM simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 459 (2), [1698-1709].
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stw727
Nolting, C., Williams, L.L.R., Boylan-Kolchin, M., Hjorth, J. (2016). Testing DARKexp against energy and density distributions of Millennium-II halos. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. 2016 (9), [042].
DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2016/09/042
Sebesta, K., Williams, L.L.R., Mohammed, I., Saha, P., Liesenborgs, J. (2016). Testing light-traces-mass in Hubble Frontier Fields Cluster MACS-J0416.1-2403. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 461 (2), [2126-2134].
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stw1433
Young, A.M., Williams, L.L.R., Hjorth, J. (2016). Ubiquity of density slope oscillations in the central regions of galaxy and cluster-sized systems. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. 2016 (5), [010].
DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2016/05/010
Rodney, S.A., Patel, B., Scolnic, D., Foley, R.J., Molino, A., Brammer, G., Jauzac, M., Bradač, M., Broadhurst, T., Coe, D., Diego, J.M., Graur, O., Hjorth, J., Hoag, A., W. Jha, S., Johnson, T.L., Kelly, P., Lam, D., McCully, C., Medezinski, E., Meneghetti, M., Merten, J., Richard, J., Riess, A., Sharon, K., Strolger, L.G., Treu, T., Wang, X., Williams, L.L.R., Zitrin, A. (2015). Illuminating a dark lens: A type ia supernova magnified by the frontier fields galaxy cluster abell 2744. Astrophysical Journal. 811 (1), [70].
DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/811/1/70
Woldesenbet, A.G., Williams, L.L.R. (2015). Model-free analysis of quadruply imaged gravitationally lensed systems and substructured galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 454 (1), [862-875].
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stv1960
Hjorth, J., Williams, L.L.R., Wojtak, R., McLaughlin, M. (2015). NON-UNIVERSALITY of DARK-MATTER HALOS: CUSPS, CORES, and the CENTRAL POTENTIAL. Astrophysical Journal. 811 (1), [2].
DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/811/1/2
Sebesta, K., Williams, L.L.R., Mohammed, I., Saha, P., Liesenborgs, J. (2015). Testing light-traces-mass in Hubble Frontier Fields Cluster MACS-J0416.1-240. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. 11 (A29B), [785-786].
DOI: 10.1017/S1743921316006827
Massey, R., Williams, L., Smit, R., Swinbank, M., Kitching, T.D., Harvey, D., Jauzac, M., Israel, H., Clowe, D., Edge, A., Hilton, M., Jullo, E., Leonard, A., Liesenborgs, J., Merten, J., Mohammed, I., Nagai, D., Richard, J., Robertson, A., Saha, P., Santana, R., Stott, J., Tittley, E. (2015). The behaviour of dark matter associated with four bright cluster galaxies in the 10 kpc core of Abell 3827. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 449 (4), [3393-3406].
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stv467
Mohammed, I., Liesenborgs, J., Saha, P., Williams, L.L.R. (2014). Mass-galaxy offsets in abell 3827, 2218 and 1689: Intrinsic properties or line-of-sight substructures?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 439 (3), [2651-2661].
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stu124
Williams, L.L.R., Hjorth, J., Wojtak, R. (2014). Statistical mechanics of collisionless orbits. IV. Distribution of angular momentum. Astrophysical Journal. 783 (1), [13].
DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/783/1/13
Williams, L.L.R., Barnes, E.I., Hjorth, J. (2012). Collisionless dynamics in globular clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 423 (4), [3589-3600].
DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2012.21158.x
Barnes, E.I., Williams, L.L.R. (2012). Entropy production in collisionless systems. II. Arbitrary phase-space occupation numbers. Astrophysical Journal. 748 (2), [144].
DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/748/2/144
Dhar, B.K., Williams, L.L. (2012). Surface brightness and intrinsic luminosity of ellipticals. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 427 (1), [204-244].
DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2011.20370.x
Woldesenbet, A.G., Williams, L.L.R. (2012). The Fundamental Surface of quad lenses. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 420 (4), [2944-2955].
DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2011.20110.x
Graduate Students
- John Miller Jr
- Derek Perera
- Ashley Francis
Former Researchers and Students
Graduate Students
- Matthew Gomer (PhD 2020)
- Anthony Young, (Ph.D. 2018)
- Kevin Sebesta, (Ph.D. 2018)