BME students win multiple awards at biomechanics conference

July 7, 2016  Grad students Chris Korenczuk (first in Tissue Mechanics and Modeling, Barocas lab), Zaw Win (second in Cardiac and Vascular, Alford lab), and Julia Quindlen (third in Mechanosensing, Barocas lab) were among the PhD Student Competition winners at this year's Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference.

Recent alum Johnny Carruth (BBmE '16, Barocas lab) took first place in the Cell and Tissue Mechanics category of the BS Student Competition. In addition, Mechanical Engineering graduate students Vahhab Zarei (Barocas lab) and Yiru Wang (Bischof lab) placed in the PhD competition.

This gives the University of Minnesota Biomedical Engineering Department's labs five out of 18 winners, selected from over 100 entries. Alum Jared Zitnay (BBmE '14) also won one of the PhD student awards for his graduate work at the University of Utah.

Pictured are Johnny Carruth, Julia Quindlen, Victor Barocas, Chris Korenczuk, and Vahhab Zarei.
