Graduate faculty
View Department of Biomedical Engineering graduate faculty members and their contact information.
Graduate Faculty

Primary department: Biomedical Engineering
Research interests: Biomedical imaging, brain mapping, optics

Primary department: Mechanical Engineering
Research interests: Biotransport, biopreservation, cancer bioengineering, biomaterials

Primary department: Biomedical Engineering
Research interests: Cell and tissue biomechanics and mechanobiology

Primary department: Neurology
Research interests: Biomechanical and neural engineering, Parkinson's disease motor impairments, gait and balance

Primary department: Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
Research interests: Stem cell engineering, biomaterials, biomanufacturing

Primary department: Biomedical Engineering
Research interests: Soft tissue biomechanics and mechanobiology

Primary department: Integrative Biology and Physiology
Research interests: Systems biology, cancer, cellular signaling

Joanie Bechtold
Primary department: Orthopedic Surgery

Primary department: Mechanical Engineering / Biomedical Engineering

Primary department: Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
Research interests: Nanomedicine, high throughput screening, systems biology

Primary department: Radiology
Research interests: Magnetic resonance imaging, quantitative imaging, clinical translation, AI image analysis

Primary department: Surgery

Primary department: Biomedical Engineering
Research interests: Biomaterials, breast cancer dormancy, systems biology, immunology

Primary department: Neuroscience

Primary department: Radiology
Research interests: MR-based metabolic imaging, functional MRI, ultrahigh field MR technology, brain research

Primary department: Mechanical Engineering

Primary department: Neurosurgery
Research interests: Human translational electrophysiology and neuromodulation

Primary department: Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
Research interests: Polymer physics, DNA, microfluidics

Primary department: Pharmacology
Research interests: Quantitative microscopy, data science, cancer and immune cell dynamics

Primary department: Medicine/Cardiology

Primary department: Mechanical Engineering
Research interests: Medical devices, assistive technology, musculoskeletal systems

Primary department: Electrical and Computer Engineering

Primary department: Rehabilitation Medicine
Research interests: Imaging-based biomechanics, spine mechanics

Primary department: Mechanical Engineering

Primary department: Medicine
Research interests: Biomedical optics & imaging, Immunoengineering, CAR T cells, mAb

Primary department: Mathematics
Research interests: Mathematical modeling, cancer evolution, treatment optimization

Primary department: Genetics, Cell Biology and Development

Primary department: Radiology
Research interests: Magnetic resonance imaging, electron paramagnetic resonance, technical developments

Primary department: Neuroscience
Research interests: Neurophysiology, neuroimaging, computation

Primary department: Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
Research interests: Protein engineering, drug discovery, drug delivery

Primary department: Neuroscience
Research interests: Reinforcement learning, computational neuroscience, dopamine, decision circuitry, reward learning, motor learning

Primary department: Mathematics
Research interests: Theoretical neuroscience (systems & circuits), applied stochastic processes

Primary department: Rehabilitation Science
Research interests: Rehabilitation engineering, assistive technology development, prosthetics, wheelchairs

Primary department: Radiology
7T MRI methods, deep brain stimulation (DBS), neuromodulation

Primary department: Biomedical Engineering
Research interests: Immunoengineering, biomolecular engineering, drug delivery

Primary department: Kinesiology
Research interests: Neurorehabilitation, motor control, rehabilitation robotics

Primary department: Psychiatry
Primary department: Neural engineering, cognitive neuroscience, neuromodulation

Primary department: Chemical Engineering and Materials Science

Primary department: Mechanical Engineering
Research interests: Preservation of cells, low temperature biology

Primary department: Surgery
Research interests: Medical device development, cardiovascular engineering, organ transplantation, mixed reality education

Primary department: Surgery
Research interests: Clinical data science, computational modeling, device design, clinical decision making

Primary department: Rehabilitation Medicine
Research interests: Motor control, motor learning, movement rehabilitation

Primary department: Veterinary Clinical Sciences
Research interests: MRI, quantitative imaging, musculoskeletal applications

Primary department: Neurology
Research interests: Deep brain stimulation, Parkinson's disease, translational neuroscience

Primary department: Biomedical Engineering
Research interests: Neural engineering, biomedical data science, medical device design

Primary department: Neuroscience

Kendrick Kay*
Primary department: Radiology
Research interests: fMRI methods, computational neuroscience, vision, statistics

Primary department: Biomedical Engineering
Research interests: Pluripotent stem cells, immunoengineering, genetic engineering and synthetic biology

Primary department: Mechanical Engineering
Research interests: Engineering and applying large-scale neural recording technologies

Primary department: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research interests: Biosensors, biological applications of microelectronic devices

Primary department: Mechanical Engineering

Primary department: Radiology
Research interests: Neuroimaging, diffusion MRI, high-field MRI, brain connectivity, computational modeling

Primary department: Biomedical Engineering
Research interests: Neuroengineering, hearing devices, neuro-immune technologies, whole person health, translational research and commercialization

Primary department: Neurosurgery

Primary department: Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Research interests: Shoulder biomechanics and rehabilitation as well as modeling, imaging, and motion analysis to understand prevention and treatment of shoulder injury and disease

Primary department: Diagnostic and Biological Sciences
Research interests: Quantitative biomedical optics, tissue engineering, molecular engineering

Primary department: Mechanical Engineering
Research interests: 3D printing functional materials & devices, biomedical, bioelectronics

Primary department: Radiology
Research interests: Ultrahigh field MRI technology development, quantitative imaging, prostate cancer

Primary department: Dentistry
Research interests: Tissue engineering, bioactive nanosystems, targeted delivery

Primary department: Biomedical Engineering
Research interests: Neurological disease therapy, neuromodulation, therapy optimizaiton

Primary department: Biomedical Engineering
Research interests: Cellular and molecular bioengineering, cancer bioengineering, modeling

Primary department: Biomedical Engineering
Research interests: Stem cell differentiation, extracellular matrices, 3D bioprinting

Primary department: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research interests: Biosensing, microfluidics, protein misfolding disease diagnostics

Primary department: Biomedical Engineering
Research interests: Neuromodulation, neural engineering

Primary department: Pediatrics

Primary department: Physical Therapy
Research interests: Systems neuroscience, balance and gait, neurovascular aging

Primary department: Pharmaceutics
Peptide engineering, drug delivery, nanotechnology

Primary department: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research interests: Neuro imaging, biomolecular engineering, biosensor engineering

Primary department: Neurosurgery
Research interests: Spinal cord injury, stem cell derived organoids, 3D printed scaffolds

Primary department: Biomedical Engineering
Neural engineering, computational modeling, optimization

Primary department: Biomedical Engineering
Research interests: Cancer and immune bioengineering, cell and matrix mechanics, advanced imaging

Primary department: Neuroscience
Research interests: Information processing in neural systems, neural modeling, computational psychiatry

Primary department: Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biophysics
Muscle contraction, SERCA regulation, spectroscopy (FRET, EPR), kinetics, drug discovery

Primary department: Biomedical Engineering
Biomolecular engineering, therapeutic discovery for neurodegeneration and inflammation

Primary department: Biomedical Engineering
Research interests: Single and collective cell behavior, biophysics, mechanotransduction

Primary department: Biomedical Engineering
Research interests: Biomolecular engineering, synthetic biology, systems biology

Primary department: Genetics, Cell Biology and Development
Research interests: Protein engineering, viral gene delivery

Michael Schwartz
Primary department: Orthopaedic Surgery

Primary department: Biomedical Engineering
Research interests: Biomaterials, tissue engineering and disease modeling, medical devices

Primary department: Pharmaceutics / Biomedical Engineering
Research interests: Drug delivery, biomaterials, pharmacokinetics

Primary department: Genetics, Cell Biology and Development

Primary department: Neuroscience
Research interests: Systems neuroscience, development, networks, optogenetics, 2-photon imaging

Primary department: Biomedical Engineering
Research interests: Cardiac electrophysiology, cardiac imaging, signal processing, numerical simulations

Primary department: Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biophysics
Research interests: Biophysical engineering, drug discovery, muscle and membrane proteins

Primary department: Urologic Surgery
Research interests: Urological devices, neuroengineering, biomechanical engineering

Primary department: Biomedical Engineering
Research interests: Cardiovascular tissue engineering, directed cell migration

Primary department: Radiology

Primary department: Neuroscience
Research interests: Protein engineering, Neural imaging, Biosensor engineering

Primary department: Neurology

Primary department: Biomedical Engineering
Research interests: Biomaterials & micro/nanofabrication, Immunoengineering, drug delivery

Primary department: Neurology
Research interests: Neuromodulation, electrophysiology, movement disorders

Primary department: Psychiatry
Research interests: Psychiatric neural engineering, brain stimulation, neural decoding

Primary department: Biomedical Engineering
Research interests: Microfluidics, sickle cell disease, tumor microenvironment

Primary department: Radiology
Ultrahigh-field MRI, brain imaging

Primary department: Biomedical Engineering
Research interests: Medical device, brain computer interface

Primary department: Biomedical Engineering
Research interests: Soft tissue mechanics, pregnancy, growth and remodeling

* Individuals marked with an asterisk (*) can advise MS students. They may co-advise PhD students with an eligible member of the BME Graduate Faculty, but they cannot serve as the sole PhD advisor. They may represent BME on MS and PhD examination committees.
** Individuals marked with a double asterisk (**) can advise MS students and can represent BME on MS examination committees. They cannot advise or co-advise BME PhD students or represent BME in any capacity on PhD examination committees.