Hire students & interns

The Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME) is looking for industry professionals who would be willing to hire and supervise students in our Undergraduate Co-Op and/or Integrated Degree Graduate Internship programs.

How programs benefit companies and supervisors

  • Programs provide valuable experience to BME students, while company tasks and initiatives are completed.

  • Companies have the opportunity to screen and ultimately recruit graduating students.

  • Supervisors gain personal and professional growth by working with future engineers.

Eligible students

Co-Op: Undergraduate, upper-division BME majors.

Integrated Degree Internship: Students in the Integrated BBmE/MS Degree Program.

Employment level and duration

Co-Op: Full-time employment for two consecutive semesters, typically fall and spring.

Integrated Degree Internship: Part-time employment (approximately 10 to 12 hours per week for a three-credit internship) during the semester(s) of the internship.


Co-Op: You're expected to pay students hired in these programs.

Integrated Degree Internship: You’re not expected to pay students, but employers who want to pay interns are free to do so.

Coursework during employment

Co-Op: Students would not be taking any other coursework. They are only registered for Co-Op credits.

Integrated Degree Internship: Interns will be taking an additional 10 to 15 academic course credits along with their internship credits.


Co-Op: Because the student is an employee of the company during the Co-Op period, any IP involved is treated according to company policy.

Integrated Degree Internship: Because the student is enrolled during the internship period, any IP developed by the student is subject to the Regents Commercialization of IP Policy (the IP belongs to the University). If the invention occurs at the company under a company NDA or employment agreement, then the company might be expected to claim partial ownership.

Promoting open positions to students

Contact the Career Center for Science and Engineering for information about posting positions, conducting on- or off-campus interviews, career fairs, and more.