Research overview
The Odde Lab is focused on how the fundamental thermodynamics, kinetics, diffusive transport, and mechanics of the molecular components of the cell enable basic cellular functions such as migration, division, and polarization. From these studies we are seeking to then understand how these go awry in the context of diseases such as brain cancer and Alzheimer's disease, and take corrective therapeutic action.
We use an integrated modeling-experimental approach, developing physics-based models that are predictive of cell behavior in an effort to identify potential therapeutic strategies via computer simulation, constrained by live cell microscopy imaging.
In collaboration with other groups at UMN and Mayo Clinic, the Odde group is developing a cell migration simulator, which is the focus of a Physical Sciences in Oncology Center (PSOC) that Dr. Odde directs. In collaboration with other groups at UMN and U of Pennsylvania, we are developing a simulator for the interaction of microtubules and the protein tau, which plays an important role in the progression of Alzheimer's disease.
Finally, we seek to more broadly integrate biophysical modeling and simulation into preclinical studies and clinical trials, so we can better stratify patients and de-risk new therapeutics.
Lab website