Four BME student teams win awards to develop innovations

December 28, 2021—Four teams of BME undergraduate students were recognized for their biomedical engineering innovations. Teams created their innovations as part of their senior design project.

MIN-Corps’ MVP Challenge recognizes the “Most Visionary Prototypes” among submissions from University of Minnesota students and researchers. Winners were selected based on the innovation’s potential to make a positive difference for people, businesses, society, or the environment.

The following teams were awarded $1,000 to $5,000 each to to develop their prototypes.

Adjustable postoperative femoral load bearing assistive device

Ryan Baert    
Ian Franczek
Samantha Guldan
Katriel Ng
Brady Van Straten

Person wearing an assistive device on their leg

Low-cost training simulator for ultrasound-guided intrauterine procedures

Declan Dahlberg
Gretchen Koomjohn    
Gabby Mullally
Shivansh Pandey
Vivek Vasandani

Training simulator for ultrasound-guided intrauterine procedures

Targeted temperature management in post cardiac arrest patients

Lori Bailey
Kyle Knofczynski
Jacob Kotzenmacher
Alexander Palecek
Abigail Stein

Targeted temperature management in post cardiac arrest patients

EmboSense: Interstitial catheter with embedded microflow sensor

Nicholas Anderson
Mara Brick
Emily Hanson
Davis Jaeger
Teddy May

EmboSense: Interstitial catheter with embedded microflow sensor
