
Type: Thermal


Pre-Bake Oven-This is a non-exhausted oven with a monitored temperature setting of 150 °C. There is a center rack for placing substrate boats. The dial is set at 150 °C. Review SOP.

Soft-Bake Oven-This is an exhausted oven with a monitored temperature setting between 85 °C - 105 °C. The Temperature Set LED is set at 95 °C, the Hi-Safety Thermostat dial is set at 40. Review SOP.

Hard-Bake Oven-This is an exhausted oven with a monitored temperature setting of 120 °C. There is a center rack for placing substrate boats. The left dial, the Control Thermostat is set at 50 the right dial, the Dial Safety is set at 70. Review SOP.

Blue M Exhausted Bake Oven-This is an exhausted oven with a controllable N2 flow gauge. The temperature may be adjusted up to 500°F (260 °C), the N2 flow rate can be adjusted between 0 - 60 SCFH. There is a center rack for placing substrates. Review SOP.

Location: Keller-Bay 2

Badger Name: N/A

Training: A general photolithography short course will include training on these tools. Review SOPs prior to requesting training. For unique processing, other than for photolithography, contact process staff for training.