Jiayi He awarded EAS research award

Jiayi He has been awarded an Eastern Analytical Symposium Graduate Student Research Award, honored for her outstanding talent for scientific research.

She is a fifth-year graduate student working with Professor Christy Haynes. Her research involves developing a polymer-modified electrolyte-gated transistor platform for soybean agglutinin detection. This platform, a combination of printed electronics, polymer affinity agents, and microfluidics shows great promise in future food safety applications. The other project Jiayi is working on is to see antimalaria drugs' impact on the chemical messenger secretion by blood platelets through single-cell electrochemistry. 

In the future, Jiayi plans to apply her skills in assay development to advance new detection methods in the analytical chemistry field. After graduation, she anticipates to pursuing a career in the healthcare/pharmaceutical company. 

Jiayi received an all-expense paid trip to the Eastern Analytical Symposium and Exposition in November 2020 with an opportunity to present her research at a poster session.
