All Staff

All Staff

portrait of Kylie Adams
Laboratory Service Coordinator
202 Smith Hall; Mailbox: C15 139 Smith Hall
portrait of Chellina Angok
Senior Laboratory Technician
202 Smith Hall; Mailbox: C15 139 Smith Hall
portrait of Adam Baxter
Research Stockroom Staff
S-17 Smith Hall; Mailbox: D5 139 Smith Hall
portrait of Andrew E. Carlson
Finance Professional 3
141 Smith Hall; Mailbox: D3 139 Smith Hall
portrait of Joseph Dalluge, Ph.D.
Mass Spectrometry Laboratory Director
191C Kolthoff Hall: Mailbox: D9 139 Smith Hall
portrait of Joshua J. Denzer
Principal Laboratory Technician
202 Smith Hall; Mailbox: C15 139 Smith Hall
portrait of Amie Dotson
Senior Lab Technician
202 Smith Hall; Mailbox: C15 139 Smith Hall
portrait of Mollie Dunlap
Assistant to the Department Head
139B Smith Hall; Mailbox: D8 139 Smith Hall
Nick Edwards
Building Manager
139 Smith Hall; Mailbox: D2
portrait of Nick Erickson
Student Services Specialist
115 Smith Hall; Mailbox: D7 139 Smith Hall
Harrison Frisk, Ph.D.
Lecture Demonstration Coordinator
49G/H (office) 146 (lecture demo facility) Smith Hall; Mailbox: L6 139 Smith Hall
Ben Geisbauer headshot
Maintenance Carpenter
49 Smith Hall; Mailbox: C13 139 Smith Hall
Portrait of Jennifer Grasswick
Administrative Associate 2
226 Smith Hall; Mailbox: E-4 139 Smith Hall
portrait of Ta'Meika C. Jackson
Seminar Logistics Coordinator
141 Smith Hall; Mailbox: E8 139 Smith Hall
portrait of Lisa M Jahr
Finance Professional 3
portrait of Miriam O. Krause, Ph.D.
Director of Education and Outreach, Center for Sustainable Nanotechnology
248 Smith Hall; Mailbox: C10 139 Smith Hall
Laura Kundel headshot
Principal Laboratory Technician
302 Smith Hall Hall; Mailbox: C20 139 Smith Hall
Headshot of Melanie Lex
Communications Coordinator
Dan MacEwan headshot
IT Service Support Manager, CSE-IT
101E Smith Hall; Mailbox: D16 139 Smith Hall
portrait of Diana N. Mayweather, Ph.D.
Senior Laboratory Services Coordinator
101A Smith Hall; Mailbox: E1 139 Smith Hall
Tara McCoy headshot
Receiving & Delivery
portrait of Sean E. Murray
Assistant Scientist
191B Kolthoff Hall; Mailbox: D20 139 Smith Hall
Arceus Pogany headshot
Senior Laboratory Technician, Department of Chemistry
portrait of Patrick Schildt
Laboratory Services Coordinator
302A Smith Hall; Mailbox: C20 139 Smith Hall
portrait of Eric W. Schulz
IT Service Coordinator, CSE-IT
136 Smith Hall; Mailbox: C17 139 Smith Hall
portrait of Leigh Seifert
Finance Professional 1
141 Smith Hall; Mailbox: D3 139 Smith Hall
Portrait of Thomas Smith
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Laboratory Director
196B Kolthoff Hall; D6 139 Smith Hall
portrait of Stephanie Stathopoulos
Assistant to the Directors of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies
135 Smith Hall; Mailbox: D13 139 Smith Hall
portrait of Heather Steen
Financial Services Manager
141 Smith Hall; Mailbox: D3 139 Smith Hall
portrait of Justin F. Thao
Executive Accounts Specialist
141 Smith Hall; Mailbox: D3 139 Smith Hall
portrait of Nancy Thao
Assistant to Associate Department Head and Director of Graduate Studies
115 Smith Hall; Mailbox: D7 139 Smith Hall
portrait of Chuck Tomlinson
Director of Operations
139G Smith Hall; Mailbox: C14 139 Smith Hall
Eric Turner Headshot
IT Service Coordinator, CSE-IT
136 Smith Hall; Mailbox: C17 139 Smith Hall
Headshot photograph of Annabelle Watts
Managing Director, NSF Center for Sustainable Polymers
208 Smith Hall
portrait of Victor G. Young Jr., Ph.D
X-ray Crystallographic Laboratory Director
192C Kolthoff Hall; Mailbox: C16 139 Smith Hall