Software Licenses and Links

Software falls into four license categories:

  • University site licenses (Category I),
  • College of Science and Engineering site licenses (Category II),
  • Departmental site licenses (Category III),
  • Chemistry Instructional Computer Lab (Category IV).

Category I

University of Minnesota site licenses

Software Versions Restrictions Contact/Comments
Adobe Acrobat

Mac: DC
Windows: DC

only install on University of Minnesota owned computers or "qualified" desktops  
Cambridge Structural Database System 2020 University of Minnesota faculty, staff, and student computers contact Victor Young, [email protected],
for details
ChemDraw (Mac)
ChemOffice (Windows)
Mac: 20.x
Windows: 20.x
only distributed to individuals with a Twin Cities campus * email addresses contact Dan MacEwan, [email protected], for details
Gaussian Mac: 16W64 rev.A.03
Windows: 16W64 rev.A.03
only install on computers owned by the University of Minnesota contact Dan MacEwan, [email protected], for details
GaussView Mac: 6.0.16
Windows: 6.0.16
only install on computers owned by the University of Minnesota contact Dan MacEwan, [email protected], for details
MestReNova latest and older directly from website Students, staff, and faculty must install license files. License server only validates University of Minnesota Twin Cities campus Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. contact Dan MacEwan, [email protected], for details
Mac OS X current version only install on University of Minnesota owned computers or "qualified" desktops via Casper Self Service and the Mac App Store  
Microsoft Office Mac, Windows: 365 Pro Plus (32/64-bit for personal use on up to five computers for all University of Minnesota faculty, staff, and student computers  
Microsoft Office Mac: 2019
Windows: 2019 Pro Plus (32/64-bit)
only install on University of Minnesota owned computers or "qualified" desktops  
Microsoft Windows 10 Education/Enterprise/Professional (32/64-bit)Server Standard 2012, 2012 R2, 2016, 2019 only install on University of Minnesota owned computers or "qualified" desktops  
Reaxys online application non-commercial use only requires Java and a supported web browser
SciFinder Scholar online application must register with Scifinder requires Java and a supported web browser
various - Minnesota Supercomputer Institute   register with the Minnesota Supercomputer Institute for Mac, Windows and Linux (contact MSI staff for details)
Web of Science online application   requires a supported web browser

Everyone at the University of Minnesota is welcome to use the above software. Click on the name of the software for further information. The above software may require a University of Minnesota Internet ID username and password to download it.  If you are on campus and the software requires access to a license server, you'll need to use an Ethernet cable or the Wi-Fi "eduroam" to validate the software license; "Guest" won't work. The software may also require a University of Minnesota IP address to function. If you attempt to use the software while off-campus, you'll need to install the University of Minnesota VPN client.

Information Technology has a complete list of all software that can be purchased/licensed through the University of Minnesota.

Students, faculty and staff in some University of Minnesota colleges can use the University of Minnesota Kivuto Store to obtain premium software at low cost for computers they personally own or lease.

Category II

College of Science and Engineering site licenses

Software Version Restrictions Comments
Ansys Student Portal   create a student account with ANSYS and the course faculty member be registered as an "Ansys Professor"; only install on a student's own computer, only one copy hosted via a web browser
Autodesk 3 year free license for various packages create an account with Autodesk; only install on a student's own computer, only one copy  
LabVIEW Student Edition discount pricing for Twin Cities campus student personal computers; only install one copy on a student's computer for Windows, Mac, and Linux
LabVIEW 2019, NGX only install on U of MN computers  
Mathematica Student Edition IT Labs account required; only install on a student's own computer, only one copy  
Mathematica 12.x only install on U of MN computers for Windows, Mac, and Linux contact Dan MacEwan, [email protected], for details
MATLAB Student Edition IT Labs account required; only install on a student's own computer, only one copy for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux
MATLAB 2021 only install on U of MN computers for Windows, Mac, and Linux contact Dan MacEwan, [email protected], for details
Origin 9.8 (2021) Standard Edition University of Minnesota faculty, staff, and student computers, requires a U of M IP address for Windows; distributed by each CSE department to their faculty, staff, and students
PTC Creo Student Edition register with PTC to download and install; only install on a student's own computer, only one copy for Windows and Mac
SolidWorks   IT Labs account required; only install on a student's own computer, only one copy for Windows and Mac

Linux: Workstation 15
Windows: Workstation 15

CoSE students, faculty, and staff; IT Labs account required for Windows and Linux

Students, faculty and staff in the College of Science and Engineering can use the Asure Dev Tools for Teaching to access Microsoft software for their personal computers. The majority of the Catagory II software are maintained by CSE Labs. Questions can be sent to [email protected].

Category III

Department of Chemistry site licenses

Software Version Restrictions Comments
CrystalMaker 10.x any computer owned by faculty, staff, students in the Chemistry Department for Windows, Mac, and Linux contact Dan MacEwan, [email protected], for details
Logger Pro 3.x any computer owned by faculty, staff, students in the Chemistry Department for Windows, Mac, and Linux contact Dan MacEwan, [email protected], for details

Category IV

Chemistry Instructional Computer Lab

Microlab licensed software is available to individuals doing coursework in the Chemistry Department's Microcomputer Facility in 101D Smith Hall. This facility is not to be used for research. Individuals who use the Microlab are expected to adhere to the posted Official Policy in the Microlab as well as all software legal agreements.

Software Versions Comments
ACD/NMR Processor Academic Edition 12.x on all PCs
Adobe Acrobat Reader DC on all PCs
Cambridge Structural Database System 2020 on labeled PCs; instructor must request installation
Chem3D (ChemOffice) 20.x on all PCs, also virtualized; Citrix Workstation access
ChemDraw (ChemOffice) 20.x on all PCs, also virtualized; Citrix Workstation access
ChemFinder (ChemOffice) 20.x on all PCs
Citrix Workstation 19.x allows access to virtualized software
CrystalMaker 10.x on all PCs, also virtualized; Citrix Workstation access
Epsilon - EC 2.13.77, 3.0.77 on all PCs
Filezilla 3.x on all PCs
Firefox 9x.x on all PCs
GAMESS (Chem3D linked) 2018 R1 on all PCs
Gaussian (Chem3D linked) 16W rev.A.03 on all PCs
GaussView 6.0.16 on all PCs
Google Chrome 9x,x on all PCs
Huckel 3.1 on all PCs, virtualized; Citrix Workstation access
ImageJ 1.5x on all PCs (requires Java; using Amazon Corretto v8)
IR Tutor 1.1 virtualized; Citrix Workstation access only
LabVIEW 2018 (x64) on all PCs
Mathematica 12.x on all PCs
MATLAB 2021 on all PCs
Microcap 12.x on all PCs
Microsoft Office - Excel 2016 32-bit on all PCs
Microsoft Office - OneNote 2016 32-bit on all PCs
Microsoft Office - PowerPoint 2016 32-bit on all PCs
Microsoft Office - Visio Viewer 2016 32-bit on all PCs
Microsoft Office - Word 2016 32-bit on all PCs
Microsoft Windows Enterprise 10 64-bit on all PCs
MOPAC (Chem3D linked) 2016 on all PCs, virtualized; Citrix Workstation access
Orbital Viewer 1.04 on all PCs, virtualized; Citrix Workstation access
Origin 9.8 (2021) on all PCs
PyMOL v2.5.x on all PCs
Putty v0.7x on all PCs
SpinWorks 4.2.9 on all PCs
TA Advantage - Universal Analysis   on labeled PCs; Instructor must request installation
weblink - ACS Journals   on all PCs
weblink - Journal Indexes   on all PCs
weblink - Reaxys   on all PCs
weblink - SciFinder link (register to use)   on all PCs
weblink - Web of Science link   on all PCs
WinRAR 6.x on all PCs
WinSCP 5.x on all PCs