Postdoctoral Associates

Adviser: Professor Kade Head-Marsden
Jazmin Aguilar-Romero headshot
Adviser: Professor Jessica Lamb
406 Smith Hall; Mailbox: F5 139 Smith Hall
Adviser: Professor Marc Hillmyer
Rabina Basnet
Adviser: Professor Jessica Hoover
Advisers: Professor Tim Lodge and Professor Frank Bates
10C Smith Hall; Mailbox: F17139 Smith Hall
Adviser: Professor Renee Frontiera
Mailbox: G5 139 Smith Hall
Soumi Das
Adviser: Professor Theresa Reineke
267 Kolthoff Hall; Mailbox:F15 139 Smith Hall
Subhadip De Headshot
Adviser: Professor Alex Grenning
Adviser: Professor Ian Tonks
Christian Dewey
Adviser: Professor Rene Boiteau
Steven Diaz headshot
Adviser: Professor Renee Frontiera
portrait of Nicholas A. Garcia
Adviser: Professor Courtney Roberts
418 Smith Hall; Mailbox: G19 139 Smith Hall
Ruma Ghosh headshot
Adviser: Professor Theresa Reineke
65 Kolthoff Hall
Adviser: Professor Jan-Niklas Boyn
portrait of Andrew T. Healy
Adviser: Professor David Blank
6 Smith Hall; Mailbox: G7 139 Smith Hall
portrait to Trinadh Kaicharla, Ph.D.
Adviser: Professor Thomas Hoye
415 Smith Hall; Mailbox: E12 139 Smith Hall
Peter Kelly headshot
Adviser: Professor Marc Hillmyer
Kenneth Koziol headshot
Adviser: Professor Ken Leopold
33 Smith Hall; Mailbox: K3 139 Smith Hall
Mara Kuenen headshot
Adviser: Professor Marc Hillmyer
686 Kolthoff Hall
Adviser: Professor Alexander Grenning
Maryam Mansoori Kermani
Adviser: Professor Donald Truhlar
Mailbox: F6 139 Smith Hall
Adviser: Professor Donald Truhlar
Researcher 5, Adviser: Professor Ambika Bhagi-Damodaran
Adviser: Professor Frank Bates
portrait of Yinan Shu, Ph.D.
Adviser: Professor Donald Truhlar
348 Smith Hall; E11 139 Smith Hall
Adviser: Professor Theresa Reineke
Nicholas Sparks headshot
Adviser: Professor Erin Carlson
Natalie Taylor headshot
Adviser: Professor Jessica Hoover
484 Kolthoff Hall; Mailbox: F13 139 Smith Hall
Anil Timilsina
Adviser: Professor Rene Boiteau
Portrait of Michael Trenerry
Adviser: Professor Gwendolyn A. Bailey
Mailbox: E10 139 Smith Hall
Adviser: Professor Marc Hillymer
Adviser: Professor Donald Truhlar