XCL Instruments
Bruker-AXS Venture Photon-II
A Bruker-AXS Venture system was purchased with a Kappa-axis goiniostat, a compact IμS Cu-microfocus source, a Photon-II (CMOS) detector, and an Oxford Cryosystems Cryostream 700-Plus cryostat. This instrument provides a bright Cu-source with a sensitive detector to provide for studies of very small specimens of all kinds. This acquisition came through a National Science Foundation Major Research Instrumentation grant (#1229400) in 2012.
Bruker-AXS Smart Apex-II
Bruker-AXS Smart system (1999) upgraded with an APEX-II detector in 2011 through a University of Minnesota Grant-In-Aid award. The APEX-II is a sensitive CCD detector fitted on the original SMART system with a standard Mo-tube source. The cryostat is an Oxford Cryosystems Cryostream 600 cryostat.
Leica M165C Microscope
Leica M165C stereo, cross-polarizing microscope interfaced to a computer. Provides users with the opportunity to take still photographs or videos of crystals to 120X. Useful to monitor changes in crystalline materials, if those decay in air or lose solvent. The reticule tool on the computer provides the user with the ability to carefully measure specimens.