BME researchers help validate microchip sensor featured on the cover of Science Advances

September 7, 2021 — Professor Hubert Lim’s lab contributed to research on a new microchip featured on the July 2 cover of Science Advances. The Rutgers-developed microchip can measure stress hormones rapidly from a tiny drop of blood (≤5μl). 

Researchers validated the miniaturized device’s performance on blood samples from patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Prof. Lim’s lab, including Daniel Zachs, Rachal Graham, and Claire Kaiser, together with collaborator Dr. Erik Peterson from the Division of Rheumatic and Autoimmune Diseases at the University of Minnesota provided the blood samples and worked closely with the Rutgers team on the study. 

According to a Rutgers news release on the paper, the technology could give patients a rapid and low cost way to monitor their hormone levels and better manage chronic inflammation, stress, and other conditions.

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