Dual Master’s Degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering and Civil Engineering (MS/ISyE)

Students must fulfill all of the program requirements for each degree. However, students can apply up to15 credits in common to both degrees, thereby reducing the total number of credits needed to 45 credits. Faculty and staff in both programs advise students on course selection so they can graduate in approximately three years rather than four.

The combined program gives civil engineers a deeper technical background and exposure to questions of interest to industry clients and industrial and systems engineer’s technical background in transportation and an opportunity to see questions of interest to the public sector. The dual master's degree prepares students for jobs at consulting firms and public agencies. Because of their broader skill set, graduates will be able to assume higher level jobs in the field than graduates with a single master's degree.

More about the program


Each program maintains its own admissions criteria and students must meet the requirements of each to qualify for the dual degree program. Students must apply separately to both programs, but may begin in one program and apply to the other at a later date. If a student is admitted to one program before the other, the student will need to submit a change-of-status form to the Graduate School, rather than another full application, to be considered for admission to the second program.

Sample Curriculum

The following sample options are meant for illustration only. Students are not expected to take courses only from the focus areas listed below. Mixing and matching of courses is allowed. The information in parentheses following each course number is as follows: course credits, R for required course, C for a core course, E for elective, and S for a seminar course.

Sample Program A - CE Plan B and IE-Track Plan B

Year 1: Fall semester
IE 5531 (4.0, R)
IE5532 (4.0, R)
CE 5212 (4.0, R)
Either a CE core course or 1 elective

Year 1: Spring semester
CE 5211 (3.0, R)
IE5545 (4.0, C)
IE5551 (4.0, C)
Either a CE core course or 1 elective

Year 2
In their second year, students may choose courses from one of the four focus areas listed below, or else mix and match courses so long as they satisfy all requirements of both programs. Some courses listed in the focus area below are also required courses that most students would have taken in year 1.

  • Transportation Engineering Policy: Choose from CE 8212 (3.0, C), CE8214 (4.0, C), IE5545 (4.0, C), IE 5441 (4.0, E), IE5522 (4.0, E), IE5553 (4.0, E), IE5541 (4.0, E), and IE 8536 (4.0, E).
  • Transportation Safety and Human Factors: Choose from CE 4180, IE5511 (4.0, C), IE 5512 (4.0, E), and IE 5513 (4.0, E).
  • Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Choose from CE8218 (3.0, C), IE5551 (4.0, E), IE5552 (4.0, E) and IE8552 (4.0, E).
  • Transportation Operations: Choose from CE 8211 (4.0, C), CE8216 (3.0, C), CE8217 (4.0, C), IE5522 (4.0, E) and IE5553 (4.0, E)

Sample Program B - CE Plan B and IE-Track Plan A

The sample program will look similar to Program A above with the difference that in year I, spring semester, students will take only one of the three core IE course listed. Also, the students will register for 10 IE thesis credits in year II or year III. Typically, one additional semester in Year III may be needed to complete thesis credits or project.

Sample Program C - CE Plan A and IE-Track Plan B

The sample program will look similar to Program A above with the difference that students will register for 10 CE thesis credits in year II or year III. Typically, one additional semester in Year III may be needed to complete thesis credits or project.

Sample Program D - CE Plan A or B and SE Track

Year 1: Fall semester 
IE 5111 (2.0, R), CE 5212 (4.0, R), plus a CE core course and an elective

Year 1: Spring semester
CE 5211 (3.0, R), IE 5113 (4.0, R) and any one of IE5541 (4.0, R), IE5553 (4.0, R), plus either a CE core course or 1 elective

Year 2: In their second year, students may choose courses from one of the four focus areas listed below, or else mix and match courses so long as they satisfy all requirements of both programs. Some courses listed in the focus area below are also required courses that most students would have taken in year 1. Students pursuing CE Plan-A option may also register for part or all of the 10 required CE thesis credits. An additional semester in Year III may be needed to complete thesis credits or project.

  • Transportation Engineering Policy: Choose from CE 8212 (3.0, C), CE8214 (4.0, C), IE5545 (4.0, E), IE 5441 (4.0, E), IE5522 (4.0, E), IE5553 (4.0, E), IE5541 (4.0, R), and IE 8536 (4.0, E).
  • Transportation Safety and Human Factors: Choose from CE 4180, IE8541 (4.0, E), IE5511 (4.0, E), and IE 5113 (4.0, R).
  • Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Choose from CE8218 (3.0, C), IE5551 (4.0, E), IE5552 (4.0, E) and IE8552 (4.0, E).
  • Transportation Operations: Choose from CE 8211 (4.0, C), CE8216 (3.0, C), CE8217 (4.0, C), IE5522 (4.0, E) and IE5553 (4.0, R)

Sample Program E - CE Plan C and SE Track

This program is similar to program D with the difference that students do not need thesis credits.