Master’s Sustainable Development Program (MSDP)

*Program is not active. Information displayed is historical.

The Master's Sustainable Development Program is for students concentrating in Environmental Engineering or Water Resources Engineering. The program is not currently active (as of July 2024).

MSDP is a former partner of the University’s Acara program, which no longer formally exists; and a former partner of Peace Corps Master’s International, which the Peace Corps retired in 2016.


Kaylea Brase (MS Environmental Engineering 2017) tests a water filter designed by Chris Bulkley-Logston (MS Water Resources Engineering 2017) in Bangalore, India, during her nine-month internship. Both Kaylea and Chris completed a Master’s Sustainable Development Program.
Kaylea Brase (MS Environmental Engineering 2017) tests a water filter designed by Chris Bulkley-Logston (MS Water Resources Engineering 2017) in Bangalore, India, during her nine-month internship. Both Kaylea and Chris completed a Master’s Sustainable Development Program.

Application processes and deadlines

Applications received after the deadline will be evaluated on a rolling basis (that is, as they arrive) while space is available.

MSDP Application Process  (program currently not active)

CEGE Graduate Application Process

  1. On-campus prior to International Experience

    While on campus at UMN the MSDP curriculum covers environmental engineering and water resources engineering courses aimed at understanding and improving conditions globally, including in developing countries. During the semester, the program coordinators meet regularly with participants to establish an esprit de corps among participants.
  2. On International Assignment

    Students spend nine consecutive months working on an international project based on their interests. Students may (1) pilot their own solution developed in Acara courses to address a social or environmental problem abroad, (2) pursue a project with an existing organization abroad (programs that may be of interest to students include Engineers Without Borders, Innovative Engineers, and Acara), or (3) conduct an international research experience abroad.