Selected Publications
Iungo, G.V., M Guala, M., Hong, J., Bristow, N., Puccioni, M., Hartford, P.,
Ehsani, R., Letizia, S., Li, J., and Moss, C. al. "Grand-Scale Atmospheric Imaging Apparatus (GAIA) and Wind Lidar Multiscale Measurements in the Atmospheric Surface Layer."
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 105 (1), E121-E143 (2024).
doi: 10.1175/BAMS-D-23-0066.1 Tinklenberg, A., Guala, M., Coletti, F. "Thin disks falling in air."
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 962, A3. (2023).
doi: 10.1017/jfm.2023.209 Lee, J., Singh, A., Guala, M. "On the scaling and growth limit of fluvial dunes."
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 128 (6), (2023).
doi: 10.1029/2022JF006955Feist, C., Sotiropoulos, F., Guala, M. "A quasi-coupled wind wave experimental framework for testing offshore wind turbine floating systems."
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters 11 (5), 100294. (2021).
doi: 10.1016/j.taml.2021.100294 Redolfi, M., Musa, M., and Guala, M. "On steady alternate bars forced by a localized asymmetric drag distribution in erodible channels."
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 916 A13, (2021).
doi: 10.1017/jfm.2021.122 Guala, M., Heisel, M., Singh, A., Musa, M., Buscombe, D., and Grams, P. "A mixed length scale model for migrating fluvial bedforms."
Geophysical Research Letters 47 (15), (2020).
doi: 10.1029/2019GL086625 Musa, M., Ravanelli, G., Bertoldi, W. and Guala, M. "Hydrokinetic turbines in yawed conditions: Toward synergistic fluvial installations." Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 146 (4), 04020019. (2020). doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001707
Heisel, M., De Silva, C. M., Hutchins, N., Marusic, I. and Guala, M. "On the mixing length eddies and logarithmic mean velocity profile in wall turbulence." Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 887. (2020). doi: 10.1017/jfm.2020.23
Liu, M. X., Pelosi, A. and Guala, M. A. "Statistical description of particle motion and rest regimes in open-channel flows under low bedload transport." Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 124 (11), p. 2666-2688. (2019). doi: 10.1029/2019JF005140
Wilkinson A., Hondzo M., and Guala M. "Investigating abiotic drivers for vertical and temporal heterogeneities of cyanobacteria concentrations in lakes using a seasonal in situ monitoring station." Water Resources Research, 55 (2), 954-972, (2019).
Dou B., Guala M., Lei L., and Zeng P. "Wake model for horizontal-axis wind and hydrokinetic turbines in yawed conditions." Applied Energy. 242, 1383-1395, (2019).
Musa M., Hill C., Sotiropoulos F., and Guala M. "Performance and resilience of hydrokinetic turbine arrays under large migrating fluvial bedforms." Nature Energy, (2018).
Heisel M., Dasari T., Liu Y., Hong J., Coletti F., and Guala M. "The spatial structure of the logarithmic region in very-high-Reynolds-number rough wall turbulent boundary layers." Journal of Fluid Mechanics 857, 704-747 (2018).
Howard K., Singh A., Sotiropoulos F., and Guala M. “On the statistics of wind turbine wake meandering: an experimental investigation." Physics of Fluids 27 (7), 075103, (2015).
Hong J., Toloui M., Chamorro L.P., Guala M., Howard K., Riley S., Tucker J., and Sotiropoulos F. “Natural snowfall reveals large-scale flow structures in the wake of a 2.5-MW wind turbine.” Nature Communications 5, (2014).
Guala M., Metzger M., and McKeon B.J., “Scale interactions in high Reynolds number turbulent boundary layers.” J. Fluid Mech 666, ,573-604, (2011).
Gromke C., Manes C., Walter B., Lehning M., and Guala, M. "Aerodynamic roughness length of fresh snow." Boundary-Layer Meteorology 141 (1), 21-34 (2011)
Guala M., Hommema S.E., and Adrian R.J. “Large-scale and very-large-scale motions in turbulent pipe flow.” J. Fluid Mech. 554, 521-542 (2006).
Guala M., Luethi B., Liberzon A., Kinzelbach W., and Tsinober A. “On the evolution of vorticity and material lines in homogeneous turbulence.” J. Fluid Mech 533, 339-359, (2005).