Three CEGE faculty research automated vehicles
Automated vehicle technologies are closer and more practical than ever before. They promise numerous and broad benefits in terms of safety and efficiency. The next steps are to integrate these new technologies safely into our existing transportation infrastructure. In CEGE, researchers Alireza Khani, Michael Levin, and Raphael Stern are studying the integration of autonomous vehicles (AVs) with transit, intersection controls, and traffic streams.
Can we integrate automated vehicles with transit options for a more efficient system? ALIREZA KHANI believes we can! He is a transit enthusiast with a background in engineering. His research focus is on modeling the impacts of emerging technologies on public transit systems, and optimization of the system for more efficient and reliable service. He uses network modeling and optimization techniques.
What happens when an automated vehicle enters an intersection with other traffic? MICHAEL LEVIN focuses on modeling connected autonomous vehicles (CAVs) and intelligent transportation systems to optimize how these future technologies will affect travel demand and traffic flow. He uses traffic flow, transportation network analysis to develop a new traffic signal timing method that is computationally easy to implement, yet still has favorable impacts across an entire traffic system.
Can just a few automated vehicles affect the flow of traffic? RAPHAEL STERN is interested in the impact of autonomous (or semi-autonomous) vehicles on the overall traffic flow and dynamics at low penetration rates.