Tiffany Ralston nominated for the new CSE Outstanding Service Award

You can probably imagine the difficulty of coordinating all the pieces that go into guiding students through three undergraduate majors, as well as shepherding graduate students through multiple pathways to a Masters or Doctoral degree. In CEGE, much of the onus for that falls upon Tiffany Ralston Student Programs Coordinator. Ralston has been in this roll since 2010; she brings a caring attitude toward students and a valuable depth of departmental knowledge to the role.
Ralston touches most pieces of the academic programs for undergraduate and graduate students—from scheduling rooms for classes to organizing graduate student visits to ordering rings for the Order of the Engineer ceremony. That so few others need to think about these pieces is testament to Ralston’s efficiency and excellence.
Ralston stands out because of her consistent focus on students and her drive to improve their experience within the department. She is creative, smart, tireless, thoughtful, and humble. She advocates for CEGE students; striving to streamline students’ navigation through our undergraduate and graduate programs, and also maintaining fair treatment and clear access to resources for mental health and finances.
During the academic year of 2021 to 2022, Ralston converted the CEGE Graduate Student Handbook into an easily navigated and searchable online resource. Working with the Director of Graduate Studies, she is helping to make the CEGE Teaching Assistant (TA) policies regarding norms and requirements clear and transparent so that graduate students and their faculty advisors can best prepare for upcoming TA opportunities. She helps graduate students connect with one another and build community, an important aspect of graduate student life. With respect to our undergraduate students, Ralston works to ensure undergraduate students can easily access the Student Handbook, course information, as well as information on internships, scholarships, mentoring opportunities, and the International Student and Scholar Services. When Ralston sees a need or an opportunity to serve our students better, she often takes it upon herself to make that happen. This student-focus that makes Ralston a great asset to our department as well as a great partner and guide for our students.
When the college announced a new college-wide service award, CEGE leadership enthusiastically supported Ralston for this new award. While the competition was fierce and the award ultimately went to another, Ralston certainly won in the minds of those who work with her. Tiffany Ralston embodies outstanding service and is an excellent resource for the students in CEGE.