Honors and Awards
Charles W. Britzius Distinguished Engineer (2002)
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Fellowship (2001)
ASME Fluids Engineering Award (1993)
Alexander von Humboldt Senior Scientist Award (1989, 1994)
Lorenz G. Straub Award (1968)
George Taylor Teaching Award (1978)
AIAA Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award (4 awards 1971-1974)
First Theodor Ranov Distinguished Lecturer (1978)
Fellow, American Physical Society
Life Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Associate Fellow, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Selected Publications
Kawakami, E and Arndt, REA., Investigation of the Behavior of Ventilated Supercavities, J. Fluids Engineering, Volume 133, Issue 9, September 2011
Mokhtarzadeh, H, Balas, G and Arndt, REA, "Effect of Cavitator on Supercavitating
Vehicle Dynamics" Accepted for publication in IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, Sept. 2011
Arndt, REA., Hambleton, WT, Kawakami, E and E.L. Amromin, “Creation and maintenance of cavities under horizontal surfaces in steady and gust flows” J. Fluids Engineering 131, November 2009, 111301-1-9
Arndt, REA., Hambleton, WT, and E.L. Amromin, “ Cavitation inception in the wake of a jet-driven body” J. Fluids Engineering 131, November 2009, 111302-1-8
Kawakami, DT, Fujii, A, Tsujimoto, Y and Arndt, REA , An assessment of the influence of environmental factors on cavitation instabilities, J. of Fluids Engineering, 130, No.3 March 2008
Kopriva, JE, Arndt REA, and Amromin, EL, “Improvement of Hydrofoil Performance by Partial Ventilated Cavitation in Steady Flow and Periodic Gusts” Journal of Fluids Engineering,.130, No.3 March 2008
Arndt, R.E.A., Kawakami, D. and Wosnik, M. “Measurements In Cavitating Flows” Handbook of Fluid Mechanics Measurements, Springer Verlag, Berlin, December 2007
Kopriva, JE, Amromin, EL, Arndt REA, Wosnik, M and Kovinskaya, S, “High performance partially cavitating hydrofoils” Journal of Ship Research September 2007
Fujii, A, Kawakami, DT, Tsujimoto, Y and Arndt, REA, Effect of hydrofoil shapes on cavity oscillation, J. of Fluids Engineering, 129, No. 6 pp 669-674 June, 2007
Balas, G.J., Bokor, J.,Vanek, B. and Arndt R.E.A., ``Control of high‑speed underwater vehicles,'' Control of Uncertain Systems: Modeling, Approximation, and Design, B. Francis, M. Smith and J. Willems Editors, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 2006
Arndt, R.E.A., Kawakami, D. and Wosnik, M. “Measurements In Cavitating Flows” Handbook of Fluid Mechanics Measurements, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, December 2007
Hydraulic Modeling Concepts and Practice ASCE Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice No. 97, with (R. Ettema, Chair and Editor, P. Roberts and T.Wahl), 2000
Arndt, R.E.A “Cavitation in Vortical Flows” Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, (JL Lumley, SH Davis and HL Reed, Eds.) Vol 34, 2002 pp 143-175
Arndt, R.E.A “Hydraulic Turbines” Chapt. 8.4, Handbook of Mechanical Engineering, F. Kreith, ed. CRC Press, 2004
“Hydraulic Turbines,'' Section 73 in The Engineering Handbook, R. Dorf, ed., CRC Press, 2004 pp. 73-1 - 73-18