Accepting new undergraduate research students
Accepting new graduate research students
- Organometallic synthesis & catalysis
- Organic chemistry
- Inorganic chemistry
Research Summary
Catalytic methods have widespread applications ranging from the large scale synthesis of commodity chemicals to the fine chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Many of today's societal challenges, including those related to health, energy, and the environment, will be solved with with catalytic strategies. Solutions to these challenges require a fundamental understanding of the catalysts and their mechanisms. The Hoover Group maps the mechanisms of organic transformations catalyzed by transition-metal complexes, with particular interest in catalytic redox reactions in which bond-breaking and -forming steps occur along with oxidation or reduction steps. The group develops new organic reactions, synthesizes and characterizes organometallic intermediates, and measures reaction kinetics. Researchers in the Hoover group are trained in synthetic organic techniques, organometallic synthesis, homogeneous catalysis, spectroscopy, and kinetics.
Research Website