Accepting new graduate research students
- Polymer Chemistry
- Organic Chemistry
- Energy & Catalysis
- Inorganic & Organometallic
Research Summary
The Lamb group works at the interface of physical organic, catalysis, and polymer chemistry. Our current research interests include 1) developing new switchable N-heterocyclic carbene organocatalysts with advanced control, 2) designing sustainable routes to non-isocyanate polyurethanes for high-temperature applications, and 3) combining different polymerization mechanisms into a single material. The studies in these areas are centered around the synthesis of new polymers and small molecules, fundamental structure-property relationships, and mechanistic investigations.
Jessica has an extensive background in teaching, mentoring, and outreach. For example, she helped develop and implement Organic Learning Sessions for Organic Chemistry II, is the Vice Chair of the Midwest Chapter of Empowering Women in Organic Chemistry (EWOC), and is one of the faculty presenters for Energy and U.
Research Page