Environmental & Green


Headshot of Rene Boiteau
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry
Professor Philippe Buhlmann
Distinguished University Teaching Professor and CSE Distinguished Professor, Department of Chemistry
Headshot photograph of Christy Haynes
Department Head, Distinguished McKnight University Professor, Department of Chemistry
Marc Hillmyer
McKnight Presidential Endowed Chair, Distinguished University Teaching Professor, Department of Chemistry
Tom Hoye headshot
Distinguished University Teaching Professor, College of Science & Engineering Distinguished Professor, Department of Chemistry
portrait of Professor Steven Kass
Professor, Department of Chemistry
 Hannah S. Kenagy headshot
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry
113 Smith Hall
portrait of Professor Kenneth Leopold
Distinguished University Teaching Professor, College of Science & Engineering Distinguished Teaching Professor, Department of Chemistry
portrait of Professor Lee Penn
Distinguished University Teaching Professor, Merck Professor of Chemistry, College of Science & Engineering Distinguished Professor, Institute on the Environment Resident Fellow, Department of Chemistry
Headshot photograph of Professor Theresa Reineke
Distinguished McKnight University Professor, Prager Chair in Macromolecular Science, Department of Chemistry
Headshot of J. Ilja Siepmann
Distinguished McKnight University Professor, Distinguished University Teaching Professor, Department of Chemistry
portrait of Professor Ian Tonks
Associate Department Head, Lloyd H. Reyerson Professor, Department of Chemistry
568A Kolthoff Hall
portrait of Professor Donald Truhlar
Regents Professor, Distinguished University Teaching Professor, College of Science & Engineering Distinguished Professor, Department of Chemistry