Professor Sapna Sarupria joins Department of Chemistry

Associate Professor Sapna Sarupria is joining the Department of Chemistry faculty in Fall 2021. She is moving from the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Clemson University.
At Clemson University, Professor Sarupria is the graduate program coordinator; chair of the Computational Molecular Science and Engineering Forum (CoMSEF) for the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE); and adjunct associate professor in the Department of Chemistry at Michigan Technological University. She also was the International Fellow for Ruhr Explores Solvation Cluster of Excellence, an interdisciplinary research project at Ruhr University in Germany.
Using state-of-the-art tools of molecular modeling, computer simulations, and statistical mechanics, Professor Sarupria's research focuses on surface-driven phenomena. The central theme encompassing her research involves developing cutting-edge sampling techniques in molecular simulations and applying them in understanding long-standing problems in condensed matter. Current projects include heterogeneous ice nucleation, protein adsorption on surfaces, and fouling on water purification membranes. She recently developed novel transition path sampling methods and software to enable their large-scale implementation in high-performance computing infrastructures. These methods will be used to study ice nucleation, and reactions in condensed phases, including enzymatic reactions.
Along with research, Sarupria is passionate about enhancing diversity, inclusion and equity in academia and more broadly in society. She has actively mentored students and faculty from various backgrounds and enjoys building bridges across different cultures.
Professor Sarupria loves teaching. Her favorite subject to teach is thermodynamics – she loves being able to communicate the beauty and power of thermodynamics in explaining the world around us.
Professor Sarupria said that she is excited about her move to Minnesota. She is looking forward to the new collaborations and friendships. She hopes that her time in Troy, NY, during her doctorate and the extra cuddles from her two cats will help her cope with the cold winters. In addition to mastering the winters, Sarupria is excited to explore the food and culture of Minneapolis.
Professor Sarupria received a master’s degree from Texas A & M University where her thesis focused on thermodynamic modeling of clathrate hydrates of gas mixtures formed in the presence of electrolyte solutions. She obtained her doctorate from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, where she studied pressure effects on water-mediated interactions and proteins She was a post-doctoral researcher in Princeton University and studied hydrate and ice nucleation using advanced path sampling techniques.
She received the National Science Foundation CAREER award, American Chemical Society Computers in Chemistry Division Outstanding Junior Faculty Award, and Clemson University's Board of Trustees Award of Excellence. She is an active member of Women in Chemical Engineering and CoMSEF in AIChE.