Professor Theresa Reineke named new editor in chief of American Chemical Society Bioconjugate Chemistry journal

MINNEAPOLIS / ST. PAUL (1/4/2023) – The Publications Division of the American Chemical Society (ACS) has announced Professor Theresa Reineke will serve as the new editor in chief of Bioconjugate Chemistry beginning in January of 2023.
For the past twelve years, Reineke has served the ACS journal portfolio through a number of positions. Her first editorial advisory board invitation was from Bioconjugate Chemistry, which she has served on since 2010. Reineke was notably one of the founding associate editors with ACS Macro Letters, where she served on the editorial team for a decade. She has also served on the editorial advisory boards for Biomacromolecules and ACS Applied Polymer Materials, ACS Macro Letters and is an active member of several ACS technical divisions. Reineke has also served as an Associate Editor to Chemical Science, a Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) journal, and is on the Editorial Advisory Board of Polymer Chemistry. Reineke has recently been highlighted in an interview on ACS Axial.
“Bioconjugate Chemistry is a premier publisher of transformative research at the chemistry-biology interface. I am honored and excited to play a lead role in shaping the future of this outstanding journal,” says Reineke. “Community building, fostering inclusivity, and promoting our next generation of diverse researchers will be the cornerstones of my leadership. I also aim to further enhance the societal impact of this growing transdisciplinary field through expansion of the scientific scope of the journal.”
The mission of Bioconjugate Chemistry is “to communicate advances in fields including therapeutic delivery, imaging, bionanotechnology, and synthetic biology. Bioconjugate Chemistry is intended to provide a forum for presentation of research relevant to all aspects of bioconjugates, including the preparation, properties and applications of biomolecular conjugates.” The journal was established under ACS in 1990. Reineke further highlights her thoughts on the field and plans for the journal in her January 2023 editorial.
Reineke, Distinguished McKnight University Professor, was named Prager Chair in Macromolecular Science in Chemistry earlier this year. She is internationally recognized for her contributions to macromolecular chemistry; her research groups’ foci include synthetic design, chemical characterization, and biological study of sophisticated macromolecules. Reineke has received numerous awards recognizing her research, including the 2022 American Chemical Society Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award, the 2018 DuPont Nutrition and Health Sciences Excellence Medal, the 2017 Carl S. Marvel Creative Polymer Chemistry Award from the American Chemical Society’s POLY Division, a National Institutes of Health Director’s New Innovator Award, a National Science Foundation CAREER Award, along with numerous junior investigator awards from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Camille & Henry Dreyfus Foundation and Arnold & Mabel Beckman Foundation.
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Full press release from ACS here