Section Widget Overview

This summer we will be launching the Section Widget, an exciting tool to allow for more customization on Advanced Page, Unit Landing Page, News Page, and Featured Story content types. As with past migrations, we hope to make this as least disruptive as possible. We received a lot of great feedback from last summer’s people migration, so we will be rolling this out on a more individualized, unit-by-unit basis while also offering weekly help sessions.

Pre-recorded Information Session Now Available

What’s Changing?

The Section Widget will be replacing the functionality of Two- and Three-Column Widgets, as well as the Text & Media Widget.  Streamlining in this way will give you a number of new features and address some accessibility issues.

  • The editor interface will be more visual and user friendly.
  • Four- and five-column layouts will be added to provide more versatility on your pages.
  • Within these columns, you will now be able to add any number of widgets.
  • You will have greater control over the vertical spacing within each section.
  • Slopes will move from widgets to sections
  • Accessibility issues will be fixed, including customizable heading levels

Content Migration

  • The Software & Web Development team will be migrating content on Advanced Page, Unit Landing Page, and any widgets on News and Feature Story content types, to the new section layout starting May 22.
  • Starting with the Beta testing group, we will be migrating on a unit by unit basis so we can manage the process and best be able to keep units informed on progress of the migration. 
  • At the start of your migration, you will have the option to meet with us to walk you through the process.
  • Once we have migrated your content, we will mark them as “Needs Review”.  These pages will appear in the Content Needs Review section when you login to the CSE site.
  • Please review and publish this content as you are able.
  • See below for a detailed example of what a migration will look like


May 16 - Demo session, beta test begins

  • Session will be recorded and a link shared on the Launch Day announcement
  • Beta tester group sessions held between May 16 and May 22

May 22 - Launch Day

  • Section widget becomes available
  • Editors will be unable to create new 2-column, 3-column, and Text & Media widgets. Editing existing widgets will still be possible.
  • Reminder announcement will be sent to drupal editors with link to demo recording.

May 22 through August 29 - Migrations

  • Weekly open labs will be held on Thursdays at 1PM over Zoom.
  • See the FAQ page for the migration process for each unit

After September 5

  • Legacy widgets will be removed

Migration Schedule

We will publish a tentative migration schedule the first week of June.

Units with fewer than 25 pages may be contacted at any point throughout the migration process to help fill gaps in the schedule. 

Detailed Migration Process Overview for Each Unit

We expect the migration for each unit to take no more than a week. We are setting review cutoff dates to complete each unit's migration in a short timespan to reduce the period of overlapping old and new formats as much as possible.

One week before migration begins
Example: June 3

  • Reminder sent to unit's primary contact with invitation to 1:1 help session, open labs, and to confirm dates
  • List of pages to be migrated is pulled

Migration week
Example: June 10-14

  • Pages are migrated by S&WD team, will be set to needs review
  • When migration is complete, confirmation sent to unit with review cutoff date
  • Editors approve pages before final review date

Week after migration
Example: June 21

  • Friday - final review date

Monday after final review date
Example: June 24

  • Any unreviewed pages will be published
  • Old revisions of pages using legacy widgets will be deleted

Frequently Asked Questions

What will happen to my existing pages after the section widget is launched, but before migration happens?

Existing pages will look the same. If you need to edit an existing page, it is recommended to add a section and move existing widgets into It will be possible to work with the existing 2- and 3- column layouts and Text and Media widgets to make changes.

New pages will require adding a section before adding other widgets.

Is there any flexibility to the migration schedule for my unit?

Yes. Our preference is to migrate within the time frame we’ve scheduled, but if you want to adjust when your unit migrates within that time frame, please let us know.

I am very comfortable with CSE Web.  Can I migrate pages on my own?

Yes, but we suggest you watch the pre-recorded demo first and let us know when you will start your own migration.  We would like to be aware so we can update our schedule, give you a list of pages to migrate, and be available if you have any questions while you migrate your content.

I cannot make Thursday Open Labs at 1PM. Can I still get one-on-one help to address my questions and concerns?

Of course!  Reach out through [email protected] and we will reach out to schedule a meeting or address your issues through email, whichever you prefer.