NMR Training
Introductory NMR training (400 MHz autosampler, level one): AX-400 only
Required for all new users. You will be trained to operate a Bruker 400 MHz NMR spectrometer running in full automation (AX-400), which will give you access to routine one-dimensional 1H, 13C, 19F, and 31P experiments, plus COSY, HSQC (1H-13C and 1H-15N), HMBC (1H-13C and 1H-15N), NOESY, etc. Introductory (autosampler) training is required before moving forward with training on any of the other instruments in the NMR laboratory.
Prerequisite: Please watch the autosampler loading video and review NMR Laboratory Safety, NMR Usage, and NMR Sample Preparation.
Please complete this google form to sign up for training.
Cost: $20 per person
NMR training level two: HD-500; AM-400, and/or AV-500
Prerequisite: Introductory (autosampler) training
Please complete the application for NMR training level two (most answers are found on the NMR laboratory website -- read the manuals).
Level 2a: Access to the automated 500 MHz, HD-500:
After satisfactory completion of the above application, one of the NMR teaching assistants (TA) or the NMR laboratory director will give you a brief introduction to the HD-500. After this brief introduction, you will have access to the HD-500.
Level 2b: Access to the manual spectrometers (if you want it), AM-400 and/or AV-500:
After satisfactory completion of the above application, if you want access to the manually-operated spectrometers (please indicate this on the application), one of the NMR teaching assistants will schedule a small-group hands-on training session with you. Following the TA training session, please schedule a brief checkout session with the NMR laboratory director (you will acquire a spectrum with the director’s supervision; you will be asked a few questions, and you will be given the opportunity to ask any questions you might have). After the checkout session with the NMR laboratory director, you will have access to the AM-400 and/or AV-500. Please note: Users must demonstrate competence on entry level (routine) NMR before pursuing subsequent training for DOSY, variable temperature, etc.
Cost: $45 per person