UNITE Fall 2021 Course Offerings

UNITE Distributed Learning provides access to live streaming video of class sessions plus same-day access to streaming video archives of course meetings to the students who enroll through UNITE in a UNITE section of the course.

Semester Schedule

The UNITE sections of a course follow the same semester schedule as the on-campus section of the course. This includes exams (which are synchronous events - see below) and homework deadlines as well as University deadlines for adding courses, cancelling courses, refunds, etc.

Exams and Homework

Exams are Synchronous

Students enrolled through UNITE are REQUIRED to take exams on the same day/same time as the students enrolled in the on-campus sections of the course. If you need to make other arrangements you will need to contact the instructor directly - work out these arrangements with the instructor before the 100% refund period ends.

Exams Must be Proctored by a Person (live proctoring)

Students are responsible for finding and submitting proctor information to UNITE to evaluate and approve. UNITE will contact all students enrolled through UNITE to initiate this process shortly after the semester begins.

Final Exams: Final exam dates are posted in the official University of Minnesota Class Schedule.UNITE will stream video on Saturdays. If you are enrolled in a UNITE section with an exam on a Saturday, you will need to have a proctor administer the exam. If you need to make other arrangements you will need to contact the instructor directly to seek approval.

Homework Submission and Return

Increasing, faculty and TAs are using Canvas course sites for submission and return of homework.

For those faculty and TAs who do not, homework may be submitted to UNITE via email. Our office will record submissions and deliver to instructors and/or TAs for grading. Graded materials will be returned to your University email account when we receive it.

For more information, refer to the "Step Two: Know How UNITE Works" of UNITE Steps to Success.

The courses offered are subject to change. For the summer semester, UNITE will stop recording/streaming a course if there are no students enrolled in that course through UNITE.

Course descriptions taken from the University of Minnesota's Schedule Builder. Courses topics may be revised per instructor. Contact instructor for more detailed and up-to-date information.

Grad 0999 – 51566 Call Number – UNITE students must register online themselves for this status. Graduate students registering for this status must register before the semester begins or they will be charged the normal late registration fees.

Undergraduate students taking classes on campus may enroll in UNITE courses with instructors' permission. Learn more about Undergraduate Credit Enrollment though UNITE.

Please note Important Fall Semester Dates.

Students enrolled in on-campus sections have limited access to UNITE Media; refer to UNITE Streaming Video Access for On-Campus Students for more details.


(Updated September 7th, 2021)

Use online tools to search all University credit offerings:
Aerospace Engineering's Class Schedules by Department online search tool
Humphrey School of Public Affairs' ClassInfo online search tool
(Note: These tools list ALL offerings - on-campus, including UNITE offerings)


AEM 5321 (also offered as EE 5231) - Linear Systems and Optimal Control (3.0 cr)
Murti Salapaka
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on MW 2:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
[EE 3015, CSE grad student] or instr consent
Properties and modeling of linear systems. Linear quadratic and linear-quadratic-Gaussian regulators. Maximum principle.

AEM 5401 - Intermediate Dynamics (3.0 cr)
Yohannes Ketema
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on MWF 11:15 a.m.–12:05 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
CSE upper div or grad, 2012, Math 2243
Three-dimensional Newtonian mechanics, kinematics of rigid bodies, dynamics of rigid bodies, generalized coordinates, holonomic constraints, Lagrange equations, applications.

AEM 5451 (also offered as EE 5251) - Optimal Filtering and Estimation (3.0 cr)
Kirsten Strandjord
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on TTh 1:00 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
[[MATH 2243, STAT 3021] or equiv], CSE grad student] or dept consent; EE 3025, EE 4231 recommended
Basic probability theory, stochastic processes. Gauss-Markov model. Batch/recursive least squares estimation. Filtering of linear/nonlinear systems. Continuous-time Kalman-Bucy filter. Unscented Kalman filter, particle filters. Applications.

AEM 8231/ME 8261 - Molecular Gas Dynamics (3.0 cr) - added to UNITE schedule 6/15/21
Cari Dutcher
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on TTh 11:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
CSE grad student
Kinetic theory of gases, Boltzmann equation, Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, collisions, transport properties. Introduction to quantum mechanics. Statistical thermodynamics, classical/quantum statistics. partition functions and thermodynamic properties. Irreversible thermodynamics.


BMEN 5201 - Advanced Biomechanics (3.0 cr)
Victor Barocas
Flipped format course:
The instructor will provide course materials (including videos accessible on-demand), assignments and assessments through the Canvas course website and students will meet for synchronous sessions weekly.  Those enrolled in the UNITE section will have two evening Zoom-based discussions weekly on a schedule determined by enrollee/TA schedules.  These sessions will be up to one hour in length.  As this course has three scheduled exams, UNITE-enrolled students will complete these exams per normal UNITE policy -- same day/same time as the on-campus section students (TTh 8:15 - 9:30) with a UNITE-approved proctor -- unless otherwise approved by the instructor.   
[[3001 or equiv], [CSE upper div or grad student]] or instr consent
Introduction to biomechanics of soft tissue, with emphasis on common mathematical models to capture the nonlinear (strain-dependent), anisotropic (direction-dependent), and viscoelastic (rate-dependent) nature of tissue response. The goal is to enable a student to read and understand the soft-tissue biomechanics literature and to prepare the student to perform theoretical and experimental biomechanical studies of tissue behavior.

BMEN 5401 - Advanced Biomedical Imaging (3.0 cr)
Alexander Opitz
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on TTh 2:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
CSE upper div or grad student or instr consent
Functional biomedical imaging modalities. Principles/applications of technologies that offer high spatial/temporal resolution. Bioelectromagnetic and magnetic resonance imaging. Other modalities.

BMEN 5411 - Neural Engineering (3.0 cr)
Tay Netoff
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on TTh 11:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
BMEN 3401 recommended
Theoretical basis. Signal processing techniques. Modeling of nervous system, its response to stimulation. Electrode design, neural modeling, cochlear implants, deep brain stimulation. Prosthetic limbs, micturition control, prosthetic vision. Brain machine interface, seizure prediction, optical imaging of nervous system, place cell recordings in hippocampus.

BMEN 5412 - Neuromodulation (3.0 cr)
Matthew Johnson
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on MW 1:00 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
CSE upper div or grad student
Fundamentals of bioengineering approaches to modulate the nervous system, including bioelectricity, biomagnetism, and optogenetics. Computational modeling, design, and physiological mechanisms of neuromodulation technologies. Clinical exposure to managing neurological disorders with neuromodulation technology.

BMEN 8001 - Polymeric Biomaterials (3.0 cr)
Chun Wang
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on TTh 4:00 p.m. - 5:15 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
[5001, [CHEN 4214 or MATS 4214 or equiv]] or instr consent
Introduction to polymeric biomaterial research. Molecular engineering, characterization of properties, material-cell interaction, biocompatibility/bioactivity. Applications in biology and medicine.

BMEN 8601 - Biomedical Engineering Seminar (1.0 cr)
Wei Shen
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on MW 3:35 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
Lectures and demonstrations of university and industry research introducing students and faculty to methods and goals of biomedical engineering.
For more information, see the Biomedical Engineering Graduate Seminar Web Site.


CSCI 3003 (also offered as CSCI 5465) - Introduction to Computing for Biologists (3.0)
UNITE section enrollment limited by department to 20 (3 spaces available as of September 7th)
Enrollment in 3003 requires on-campus lab in one of the lab sections (section 02 is F 8:05 a.m. - 9:55 a.m.; section 03 is F 10:10 p.m. - 12:05 p.m., section 04 is F 12:15 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.; when enrolling through UNITE in 3003, list which lab you would like to have on the UNITE registration form). 

Chad Myers
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on TTh 2:30 p.m.–3:45 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
Introductory biology course; non-CSE students only.
This course is designed for graduate students in biology or other related sciences that wish to learn fundamental computing skills that will enable them to develop their own computational approaches for meaningful interpretation of scientific data. Students will complete programming assignments in Python and R. No previous programming knowledge assumed.

CSCI 4011 - Formal Languages and Automata Theory (4.0 cr)
UNITE section enrollment limited by department to 10 (5 spaces available as of September 7th)

Carl Sturtivant
Enrollment in 4011 has an online, synchronous discussion section (section 004 is F 1:25 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.) for UNITE-enrolled students.  Live attendance is not required for discussion meetings (students may view archived UNITE media asynchronously)
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on TTh 2:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
UNITE streams live video of discussion section on F 1:25 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
2041 or instr consent
Logical/mathematical foundations of computer science. Formal languages, their correspondence to machine models. Lexical analysis, string matching, parsing. Decidability, undecidability, limits of computability. Computational complexity.

CSCI 4041 - Algorithms and Data Structures (4.0)
UNITE section enrollment limited by department to 10 (no spaces available as of September 7th)
UNITE is maintaining a waitlist, submit UNITE Registration Form to be placed on the list.

James Moen
Enrollment in 4041 has an online, synchronous discussion section (section 15 is F 10:10 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.) for UNITE-enrolled students.  Live attendance is not required for discussion meetings (students may view archived UNITE media asynchronously)
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on Tuesday 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
UNITE streams live video of discussion section on F 10:10 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
[(1913 or 1933) and 2011] or instr consent; cannot be taken for grad CSci cr; Credit will not be granted if credit has been received for CSCI 4041H
Rigorous analysis of algorithms/implementation. Algorithm analysis, sorting algorithms, binary trees, heaps, priority queues, heapsort, balanced binary search trees, AVL trees, hash tables and hashing, graphs, graph traversal, single source shortest path, minimum cost spanning trees.

CSCI 5103 - Operating Systems (3.0 cr)
UNITE section enrollment limited by department to 10 (10 spaces available as of September 7th)

Anand Tripathi
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on TTh 1:00 pm. - 2:15 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
CSCI 4061 or instr consent
Conceptual foundation of operating system designs and implementations. Relationships between operating system structures and machine architectures. UNIX implementation mechanisms as examples.

CSCI 5106 - Programming Languages (3.0 cr)
UNITE section enrollment limited by department to 10 (7 spaces available as of September 7th)

Kuen-Bang Hou Favonia
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on TTh 2:30 pm. - 3:45 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
CSCI 4011 or instr consent
Design and implementation of high-level languages. Course has two parts: (1) language design principles, concepts, constructs; (2) language paradigms, applications. Note: course does not teach how to program in specific languages.

CSCI 5123 - Recommender Systems (3.0 cr)
UNITE section enrollment limited by department to 10 (7 spaces available as of September 7th)

Joe Konstan
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on Tuesday 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
Java programming and 2033 and 3081, or instructor consent.
An overview of recommender systems, including content-based and collaborative algorithms for recommendation, programming of recommender systems, and evaluation and metrics for recommender systems.

CSCI 5211 - Data Communications and Computer Networks (3.0 cr)
UNITE section enrollment limited by department to 10 (9 spaces available as of September 7th)

David Du
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on MW 1:00 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
[4061 or instr consent], basic knowledge of [computer architecture, operating systems, probability], grad student; Credit will not be granted if credit has been received for: CSCI 4211, INET 4002
Concepts, principles, protocols, and applications of computer networks. Layered network architectures, data link protocols, local area networks, network layer/routing protocols, transport, congestion/flow control, emerging high-speed networks, network programming interfaces, networked applications. Case studies using Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI, TCP/IP, ATM, Email, HTTP, and WWW.

CSCI 5271 - Introduction to Computer Security (3.0 cr)
UNITE section enrollment limited by department to 10 (8 spaces available as of September 7th)

Stephen McCamant
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on MW 2:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
4061 or equiv or instr consent
Concepts of computer, network, and information security. Risk analysis, authentication, access control, security evaluation, audit trails, cryptography, network/database/application security, viruses, firewalls.

CSCI 5304 - Computational Aspects of Matrix Theory (3.0 cr)
UNITE is no longer offering this course. 
This will be a CSCI Department Zoom-based course - register through OneStop as you do for on-campus (non-UNITE) course sections.  Contact CSCI Department for questions.

Daniel Boley
CSCI 2031 or CSCI 2033 or instr consent
Perturbation theory for linear systems and eigenvalue problems. Direct/iterative solution of large linear systems. Matrix factorizations. Computation of eigenvalues/eigenvectors. Singular value decomposition. LAPACK/other software packages. Introduction to sparse matrix methods.

CSCI 5421 - Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures (3.0 cr)
UNITE section enrollment limited by department to 10 (7 spaces available as of September 7th)

Ravi Janardan
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on TTh 8:15 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
CSCI 4041 or instr consent
Fundamental paradigms of algorithm and data structure design. Divide-and-conquer, dynamic programming, greedy method, graph algorithms, amortization, priority queues and variants, search structures, disjoint-set structures. Theoretical underpinnings. Examples from various problem domains.

CSCI 5451 - Introduction to Parallel Computing: Architectures, Algorithms, and Programming (3.0 cr)
UNITE section enrollment limited by department to 10 (5 spaces available as of September 7th)

Christopher Kauffman
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on MW 9:45 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
4041 or instr consent
Parallel architectures design, embeddings, routing. Examples of parallel computers. Fundamental communication operations. Performance metrics. Parallel algorithms for sorting. Matrix problems, graph problems, dynamic load balancing, types of parallelisms. Parallel programming paradigms. Message passing programming in MPI. Shared-address space programming in openMP or threads.

CSCI 5465 (also offered as CSCI 3003) - Introduction to Computing for Biologists (3.0)
UNITE section enrollment limited by department to 20 (3 space available as of September 7th)

Chad Myers
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on TTh 02:30 p.m.–03:45 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
Introductory biology course; non-CSE students only.
This course is designed for graduate students in biology or other related sciences that wish to learn fundamental computing skills that will enable them to develop their own computational approaches for meaningful interpretation of scientific data. Students will complete programming assignments in Python and R. No previous programming knowledge assumed.

CSCI 5481 - Computational Techniques for Genomics (3.0 cr)
UNITE section enrollment limited by department to 10 (5 spaces available as of September 7th)

Rui Kuang
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on MW 4:00 p.m. - 5:15 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
CSCI 4041 or instr consent
Techniques to analyze biological data generated by genome sequencing, proteomics, cell-wide measurements of gene expression changes. Algorithms for single/multiple sequence alignments/assembly. Search algorithms for sequence databases, phylogenetic tree construction algorithms. Algorithms for gene/promoter and protein structure prediction. Data mining for micro array expression analysis. Reverse engineering of regulatory networks.

CSCI 5511 - Artificial Intelligence I (3.0 cr)
UNITE section enrollment limited by department to 10 (no spaces available as of September 7th)
UNITE is maintaining a waitlist, submit UNITE Registration Form to be placed on the list.

Andrew Exley
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on MW 1:00 p.m.–2:15 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
[CSCI 2041 or instr consent], grad student
Introduction to AI. Problem solving, search, inference techniques. Logic/theorem proving. Knowledge representation, rules, frames, semantic networks. Planning/scheduling. Lisp programming language.

CSCI 5512 - Artificial Intelligence II (3.0 cr)
UNITE section enrollment limited by department to 10 (7 spaces available as of September 7th)

James Parker
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on MW 9:45 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
[STAT 3021, 4041] or instr consent
Uncertainty in artificial intelligence. Probability as a model of uncertainty, methods for reasoning/learning under uncertainty, utility theory, decision-theoretic methods.
Credit will not be granted if credit has been received for CSCI 5512W.

CSCI 5521 - Introduction to Machine Learning (3.0 cr)
UNITE is no longer offering this course. 
This will be a CSCI Department Zoom-based course - register through OneStop as you do for on-campus (non-UNITE) course sections.  Contact CSCI Department for questions.

Catherine Zhao
[[CSCI 2031 or CSCI 2033], STAT 3021] or instr consent
Problems of pattern recognition, feature selection, measurement techniques. Statistical decision theory, nonstatistical techniques. Automatic feature selection/data clustering. Syntactic pattern recognition. Mathematical pattern recognition/artificial intelligence.

CSCI 5523 - Introduction to Data Mining (3.0 cr)
UNITE section enrollment limited by department to 10 (2 spaces available as of September 7th)

Vipin Kumar
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on MW 2:30 p.m.–3:45 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
CSCI 4041 or equiv or instr consent
Data pre-processing techniques, data types, similarity measures, data visualization/exploration. Predictive models (e.g., decision trees, SVM, Bayes, K-nearest neighbors, bagging, boosting). Model evaluation techniques, Clustering (hierarchical, partitional, density-based), association analysis, anomaly detection. Case studies from areas such as earth science, the Web, network intrusion, and genomics. Hands-on projects.

CSCI 5525 - Machine Learning (3.0 cr)
UNITE section enrollment limited by department to 10 (no spaces available as of September 7th)
UNITE is maintaining a waitlist, submit UNITE Registration Form to be placed on the list.

Paul Schrater
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on TTh 11:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
Grad student or instr consent
Models of learning. Supervised algorithms such as perceptrons, logistic regression, and large margin methods (SVMs, boosting). Hypothesis evaluation. Learning theory. Online algorithms such as winnow and weighted majority. Unsupervised algorithms, dimensionality reduction, spectral methods. Graphical models.

CSCI 5551 - Robotics (3.0 cr)
UNITE is no longer offering this course. 
This will be a CSCI Department Zoom-based course - register through OneStop as you do for on-campus (non-UNITE) course sections.  Contact CSCI Department for questions.

Nikos Papanikolopoulos
CSCI 2031 or CSCI 2033 or instr consent
Transformations, kinematics/inverse kinematics, dynamics, control. Sensing (robot vision, force control, tactile sensing), applications of sensor-based robot control, robot programming, mobile robotics, microrobotics.

CSCI 5561 - Computer Vision (3.0 cr)
UNITE is no longer offering this course. 
This will be a CSCI Department Zoom-based course - register through OneStop as you do for on-campus (non-UNITE) course sections.  Contact CSCI Department for questions.

Hyun Soo Park
CSci 5511, 5521, or instructor consent.
Issues in perspective transformations, edge detection, image filtering, image segmentation, and feature tracking. Complex problems in shape recovery, stereo, active vision, autonomous navigation, shadows, and physics-based vision. Applications.

CSCI 5611 - Animation & Planning in Games (3.0 cr)
UNITE section enrollment limited by department to 10 (9 spaces available as of September 7th)

Stephen Guy
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on MW 4:00 p.m. - 5:15 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
CSCI 4041 or CSCI 4611 or instr consent
Theory behind algorithms used to bring virtual worlds to life. Computer animation topics. Real-time, interactive techniques used in modern games. Physically-based animation, motion planning, character animation, simulation in virtual worlds.

CSCI 5619 - Virtual Reality and 3D Interaction (3.0 cr) - Removed by Department June 3rd

CSCI 5707 - Principles of Database Systems (3.0 cr)
UNITE section enrollment limited by department to 10 (1 space available as of September 7th)

Jaideep Srivstava
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on TTh 2:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
[CSCI 4041 or instr consent], grad student
Concepts, database architecture, alternative conceptual data models, foundations of data manipulation/analysis, logical data models, database designs, models of database security/integrity, current trends.

CSCI 5715 - From GPS, Google Maps, and Uber to Spatial Data Science (3.0 cr)
UNITE section enrollment limited by department to 10 (9 spaces available as of September 7th)

Shashi Shekhar
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on TTh 11:15 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
Familiarity with Java, C++, or Python
Spatial databases and querying, spatial big data mining, spatial data-structures and algorithms, positioning, earth observation, cartography, and geo-visulization. Trends such as spatio-temporal, and geospatial cloud analytics, etc.

CSCI 5801 - Software Engineering I (3.0)
UNITE section enrollment limited by department to 10 (5 spaces available as of September 7th)

Kevin Wendt
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on TTh 9:45 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
CSCI 2041 or instr consent
Advanced introduction to software engineering. Software life cycle, development models, software requirements analysis, software design, coding, maintenance.

CSCI 8551 - Intelligent Agents (3.0 cr)
UNITE section enrollment limited by department to 10 (no spaces available as of September 7th)
UNITE is maintaining a waitlist, submit UNITE Registration Form to be placed on the list.

Maria Gini
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on MW 4:00 p.m. - 5:15 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
5511 or instr consent
Theories of intelligent agents. Agent architectures; knowledge representation, communication, cooperation, and negotiation among multiple agents; planning and learning; issues in designing agents with a physical body; dealing with sensors and actuators; world modeling.

CSCI 8970 (also offered as DSCI 8970) - Computer Science Colloquium (1.0 cr)
UNITE section enrollment limited by department to 15 (no spaces available as of September 7th)

Feng Qian
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on M 11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
Recent developments in computer science and related disciplines. Students must attend 13 of the 15 lectures.
For the entire schedule, see the Computer Science & Engineering Colloquia Series Web Site


DSCI 8970 (also offered as CSCI 8970) - Data Science Colloquium(1.0 cr)
UNITE section enrollment limited by department to 15 (no spaces available as of September 7th)
UNITE is maintaining a waitlist, submit UNITE Registration Form to be placed on the list.

Feng Qian
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on M 11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
Recent developments in computer science and related disciplines. Students must attend 13 of the 15 lectures.
For the entire schedule, see the Computer Science & Engineering Colloquia Series Web Site


EE 5163 - Semiconductor Properties and Devices I (3.0 cr)
Steven Koester
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on MW 11:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
 [3161, 3601, CSE grad student] or dept consent
Principles/properties of semiconductor devices. Selected topics in semiconductor materials, statistics, and transport. Aspects of transport in p-n junctions, heterojunctions.

EE 5171 - Microelectronic Fabrication (4.0 cr)
Jeong-Hyun Cho
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on TTh 1:00 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
CSE grad student or dept consent
Fabrication of microelectronic devices. Silicon integrated circuits, GaAs devices. Lithography, oxidation, diffusion. Process integration of various technologies, including CMOS, double poly bipolar, and GaAs MESFET.

EE 5231 (also offered as AEM 5321) - Linear Systems and Optimal Control (3.0 cr)
Murti Salapaka
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on MW 2:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
[EE 3015, CSE grad student] or instr consent
Properties and modeling of linear systems. Linear quadratic and linear-quadratic-Gaussian regulators. Maximum principle.

EE 5239 - Introduction to Nonlinear Optimization (3.0 cr) - added to UNITE schedule 6/14/2021
Mingyi Hong
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on MW 1:00 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
[3025, Math 2373, Math 2374, CSE grad student] or dept consent
Nonlinear optimization. Analytical/computational methods. Constrained optimization methods. Convex analysis, Lagrangian relaxation, non-differentiable optimization, applications in integer programming. Optimality conditions, Lagrange multiplier theory, duality theory. Control, communications, management science applications.

EE 5251 (also offered as AEM 5451) - Optimal Filtering and Estimation (3.0 cr)
Kirsten Strandjord
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on TTh 1:00 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
[[MATH 2243, STAT 3021] or equiv], CSE grad student] or dept consent; EE 3025, EE 4231 recommended
Basic probability theory, stochastic processes. Gauss-Markov model. Batch/recursive least squares estimation. Filtering of linear/nonlinear systems. Continuous-time Kalman-Bucy filter. Unscented Kalman filter, particle filters. Applications.

EE 5271 - Robot Vision (3.0 cr) - added to UNITE schedule on 4/1/21
Changhyun Choi
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on TTh 2:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
[Math 2373 or equivalent; EE 1301 or equivalent basic programming course]
Modern visual perception for robotics that includes position and orientation, camera model and calibration, feature detection, multiple images, pose estimation, vision-based control, convolutional neural networks, reinforcement learning, deep Q-network, and visuomotor policy learning.

EE 5301 - VLSI Design Automation I (3.0 cr)
Kia Bazargan
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on TTh 1:00 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
[EE 2301, CSE grad student] or dept consent
Basic graph/numerical algorithms. Algorithms for logic/high-level synthesis. Simulation algorithms at logic/circuit level. Physical-design algorithms.

EE 5333 - Analog Integrated Circuit Design (3.0 cr)
Ramesh Harjani
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on TTh 8:15 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
[EE 3115, CSE grad student] or dept consent
Fundamental circuits for analog signal processing. Design issues associated with MOS/BJT devices. Design/testing of circuits. Selected topics (e.g., modeling of basic IC components, design of operational amplifier or comparator or analog sampled-data circuit filter).

EE 5340 - Introduction to Quantum Computing and Physical Basics of Computing (3.0 cr)
Ulya Karpuzcu
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on MW 4:00 p.m. - 5:15 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
 A previous course in computer architecture is suggested but not required.
paradigm shift in computing can help with emerging energy problems. Topics include physical limits of computing, coding and information theoretical foundations, computing with beyond-CMOS devices, reversible computing, quantum computing, stochastic computing.

EE 5371 - Computer Systems Performance Measurement and Evaluation (3.0 cr)
David Lilja
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on MW 11:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
 [4363 or 5361 or CSci 4203 or 5201], [CSE grad student] or dept consent; Credit will not be granted if credit has been received for EE 5863
Tools/techniques for analyzing computer hardware, software, system performance. Benchmark programs, measurement tools, performance metrics. Deterministic/probabilistic simulation techniques, random number generation/testing. Bottleneck analysis.

EE 5531 - Probability and Stochastic Processes (3.0 cr)
Massoud Amin
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on 
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
 [3025, CSE grad student] or dept consent
Probability, random variables and random processes. System response to random inputs. Gaussian, Markov and other processes for modeling and engineering applications. Correlation and spectral analysis. Estimation principles. Examples from digital communications and computer networks.

EE 5601 - Introduction to RF/Microwave Engineering (3.0 cr)
Rhonda Franklin
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on MW 1:00 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
[EE 3601, CSE grad student] or dept consent
Fundamentals of EM theory and transmission lines concepts. Transmission lines and network analysis. CAD tool. Lumped circuit component designs. Passive circuit components. Connectivity to central communication theme.

EE 5653 - Physical Principles of Magnetic Materials (3.0 cr)
Randall Victora
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on MWF 2:30 p.m. - 3:20 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
CSE grad student or dept consent
Physics of diamagnetism, paramagnetism, ferromagnetism, antiferromagnetism, ferrimagnetism. Ferromagnetic phenomena. Static/dynamic theory of micromagnetics, magneto-optics, and magnetization dynamics. Magnetic material applications.

EE 5657 - Physical Principles of Thin Film Technology (4.0 cr) - cancelled by department 8/19

EE 5741 - Advanced Power Electronics (3.0 cr)
Jungwon Choi
UNITE is no longer offering this course. 
This will be a ECE Department Zoom-based course - register through OneStop as you do for on-campus (non-UNITE) course sections.  Contact ECE Department for questions.

CSE grad student] or dept consent
Physics of solid-state power devices, passive components, magnetic optimization, advanced topologies. Unity power factor correction circuits, EMI issues, snubbers, soft switching in dc/ac converters. Practical considerations. Very low voltage output converters. Integrated computer simulations.

EE 5585 - Data Compression (3.0 cr) - added to UNITE schedule 8/9/21
Soheil Mohajer
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on MW 2:30 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
CSE grad student or dept consent
Source coding in digital communications and recording. Codes for lossless compression. Universal lossless codes. Lossless image compression. Scalar and vector quantizer design. Loss source coding theory. Differential coding, trellis codes, transform/subband coding. Analysis/synthesis schemes.

EE 5940 - Optimal Control and Reinforcement Learning (3.0 cr) added to UNITE schedule 4/1/21
Andrew Lamperski
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on MW 9:45 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
Instructor Consent. (There are no official prerequisites, but if you are unsure, ask.)
The main background material is linear algebra, differential equations, and probability
A wide variety of control problems such as "walk from home to school via the shortest path" or "maintain a constant temperature" can be modeled using optimization. This course will survey a variety of methods for modeling and solving optimal control problems. In particular, numerical optimal control, model predictive control, dynamic programming, and reinforcement learning.  Examples from robotics, aerospace systems, and chemical process control will be given.

EE 8591 - Predictive Learning from Data (3.0 cr)
Vladimir Cherkassky
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on TTh 11:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
CSE grad student or instr consent
Description:Methods for estimating dependencies from data have been traditionally explored in such diverse fields as: Statistics (multivariate regression and classification), Engineering (pattern recognition, system identification), Computer Science (artificial intelligence, machine learning, data mining) and Health Informatics. Recent interest in learning methods is triggered by the widespread use of digital technology and availability of data. Unfortunately, developments in each field are seldom related to other fields. Most real-life applications attempt to estimate predictive data-analytic models that are used for prediction or decision making. This course will first provide a general conceptual framework for all learning methods, and then discuss specific methods developed in statistics, pattern recognition and machine learning. Course descriptions will emphasize
methodological aspects of machine learning, rather than development of ‘new’ algorithms. We also discuss advantages and limitations of recent magic bullet approaches, such as Deep Learning.

COURSE PROJECTS: Each student will complete a course project. A list of project topics will be
provided during second week. Students will receive close supervision from the instructor.

EE 8660 - Magnetics Seminar (1.0 cr)
Beth Stadler
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on F 1:25 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
Current literature, individual assignments (no online seminar schedule available to share).


IE 5111 - Systems Engineering I (2.0 cr) 
Andrew Fried
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on M 6:10 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
CSE upper div or grad student;
Overview of systems-level thinking/techniques in context of an integrated, design-oriented framework. Elements of systems engineering process, including lifecycle, concurrent, and global engineering. Framework for engineering large-scale, complex systems. How specific techniques fit into framework.

IE 5531 - Engineering Optimization I (4.0 cr) 
(Also offered as MATH 5711 - if you need the Math designation, send an email message to UNITE)

Yiling Zhang
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on MW 11:15 a.m. - 1:10 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
Upper div or grad student or CNR
Linear programming, simplex method, duality theory, sensitivity analysis, interior point methods, integer programming, branch/bound/dynamic programming. Emphasizes applications in production/logistics, including resource allocation, transportation, facility location, networks/flows, scheduling, production planning.

IE 5532 - Stochastic Models (4.0 cr) 
Kevin Leder
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on TTh 10:10 a.m. - 12:05 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
Undergraduate probability and statistics. Familiarity with computer programming in a high level language.
Introduction to stochastic modeling and stochastic processes. Probability review, random variables, discrete- and continuous-time Markov chains, queueing systems, simulation. Applications to industrial and systems engineering including production and inventory control.


ME 5113 - Aerosol/Particle Engineering (4.0 cr)
David Pui
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on MW 8:00 a.m. - 9:55 a.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
CSE upper div or grad student
Kinetic theory, definition, theory and measurement of particle properties, elementary particle mechanics, particle statistics; Brownian motion and diffusion, coagulation, evaporation and condensation, sampling and transport.

ME 5223 - Materials Design (4.0 cr) - cancelled from UNITE 8/30/21

ME 5332 - Intermediate Fluid Mechanics (3.0 cr) - added to UNITE schedule 7/9/21
Sungyon Lee
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on TTh 1:00 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
3332 or equiv, CSE upper division or graduate student.
Bridge between introductory fluid mechanics and advanced graduate level course. Principles of incompressible and compressible flows, boundary layer theory, and analysis using differential formulations of the governing conservation equations. Analysis of phenomena relevant to the practice of engineering is emphasized through problem solving.

ME 8341 - Conduction (3.0 cr)
UNITE is no longer offering this course. 
This will be an ME Department Zoom-based course - register through OneStop as you do for on-campus (non-UNITE) course sections.  Contact ME Department for questions.

Francis Kulacki
Undergrad class in heat transfer or instr consent
Advanced understanding/application of conduction/diffusion to heat/mass transfer problems. Solving ordinary/partial differential equations related to physics of diffusion. Special topics in numerical microscale heat transfer.

ME 8361/AEM 8231 - Molecular Gas Dynamics (3.0 cr) - added to UNITE schedule 6/15/21
Cari Dutcher
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on TTh 11:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
CSE grad student
Kinetic theory of gases, Boltzmann equation, Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, collisions, transport properties. Introduction to quantum mechanics. Statistical thermodynamics, classical/quantum statistics. partition functions and thermodynamic properties. Irreversible thermodynamics.

ME 8363 - Introduction to Reactive Flow Systems (3.0 cr) - added to UNITE schedule 6/15/21
Peter Bruggeman
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on MW 2:05 p.m. - 3:20 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
ME 8361
This is an advanced graduate level course that covers the basics of reactive flow systems pertinent to mechanical engineering. After the introduction/review of the fundamentals of collisions, chemical kinetics, reactions and relevant aspects of basic physical chemistry, the course focuses on reaction kinetics and transport phenomena in reactive flow systems. It will introduce modeling approaches of zero and one dimensional reaction kinetics systems and diagnostics to measure the chemical and transport properties of reactive flow systems. The fundamentals and approaches introduced in this course will be applied to examples of reactive flow systems from mechanical engineering practice including both gas phase and multiphase systems (solid-gas and liquid-gas).


STAT 5421 - Statistical Analysis (3.0 cr)
Charles Geyer
UNITE streams live video of on-campus section on MWF 2:30 p.m. - 3:20 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour
STAT 3022 or 3032 or 3301 or 5302 or 4051 or 8051 or 5102 or 4102
Varieties of categorical data, cross-classifications, contingency tables. Tests for independence. Combining 2x2 tables. Multidimensional tables/loglinear models. Maximum-likelihood estimation. Tests for goodness of fit. Logistic regression. Generalized linear/multinomial-response models.