Honors and Awards
2018: National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER Award)
Selected Grants
Collaborative Research: SaTC: CORE: Medium: Audacity of Exploration: Toward Automated Discovery of Security Flaws in Networked Systems through Intelligent Documentation Analysis
Qian, F.; National Science Foundation; 7/1/22 - 6/30/26
Collaborative Research: CNS Core: Medium: Foundations and Scalable Algorithms for Personalized and Collaborative Virtual Reality Over Wireless Networks
Qian, F.; National Science Foundation; 10/1/21 - 9/30/25
Collaborative Research: CPS: Medium: Transforming Connected and Automated Transportation with Smart Networking, Cooperative Sensing, and Edge Computing
Qian, F.; National Science Foundation; 6/1/21 - 5/31/24