CS&E has grown from a small group of visionary numerical analysts into a worldwide leader in computing education, research, and innovation.

White House Honors Maria Gini
Professor Maria Gini has earned the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring (PAESMEM) from President Joe Biden.

Kumar Wins IEEE Taylor L Booth Education Award
Kumar was selected for his contributions to computational science and engineering through his foundational textbooks, outstanding mentoring, and exceptional scientific leadership.

Myers Leverages CRISPR in Mapping Project
Professor Chad Myers has been working on decoding this complex network of genomic data for over a decade. His lab focuses on understanding gene function and leverages computational biology to make inferences about biological networks.

Ryan Diaz Earns CRA Honorable Mention for Work with Robotic Manipulation Tasks

CSpotlight: The Fun of Making Video Games

Meet the Faculty - Mai Al-Khatib
The Department of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Minnesota has come a long way in the past 50 years. We have made tremendous progress and have become one of the most vibrant and interdisciplinary departments within the College of Science and Engineering, the University of Minnesota, and the computer science field at large.
Watch and listen to stories of how the department started, the years of growth, and where we are headed in the future.