Class home pages
Spring 2024
- CSCI 4271W: Development of Secure Software Systems
- CSCI 8715: Spatial Data Science Research
Fall 2023
- CSCI 4011: Automata
- CSCI 4041-010: Algorithms
- CSCI 4271: Development of Secure Software Systems
Spring 2023
Spring 2022
- CSCI 2011-020 - Discrete Structures
- CSCI 2033-010 - Linear Algebra
- CSCI 4011
- CSCI 5302 - Analysis of Numerical Algorithms
- CSCI 5421 - Advanced Algorithms
- CSCI 5980-pt - Topics in Structural Proof Theory
- CSCI 8980-pt - Topics in Structural Proof Theory
- CSCI 4041-010
- CSCI 4271 - Development of Secure Software Systems
- CSCI 4511-001
- CSCI 5512
- CSCI 8271 - Security and Privacy in Computing
Fall 2021
- CSCI 4011 - Formal Languages and Automata Theory
- CSCI 4041 - Algorithms and Data Structures - Section 1
- CSCI 4511 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence - Section 1 (coming soon)
- CSCI 4511 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence - Section 2 (coming soon)
- CSCI 5103 - Operating Systems
- CSCI 5271 - Introduction to Computer Security
- CSCI 5304 - Computational Aspects of Matrix Theory
- CSCI 5512 - Artificial Intelligence II (coming soon)
- CSCI 8551 - Intelligent Agents
- CSCI 8980 - Trends in Edge Computing
Summer 2020
None listed
Spring 2020
- csci 1113: Introduction to C/C++ Programming
- csci 2021: Machine Architecture and Organization
- csci 2041: Advanced Programming Principles
- csci 4211: Introduction to Computer Networks
- csci 4271W:
- csci 4511: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
- csci 4511W:
- csci 5103: Operating Systems
- csci 5302: Analysis of Numerical Algorithms
- csci 5607: Fundamentals of Computer Graphics I
- csci 5980: Special Topics in Computer Science
- csci 8002: Introduction to Research in Computer Science II
Fall 2019
- csci 1133H: Honors Introduction to Computing and Programming Concepts
- csci 2011: Discrete Structures of Computer Science
- csci 2033: Elementary Computational Linear Algebra
- csci 4041: Algorithms and Data Structures
- csci 4061: Intro to Operating Systems
- csci 4511: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
- csci 5103: Operating Systems
- csci 5106: Programming Languages
- csci 5271: Introduction to Computer Security
- csci 5304: Computational Aspects of Matrix Theory
- csci 5607: Fundamentals of Computer Graphics I
- csci 8001: Introduction to Research in Computer Science I
- csci 8211: Advanced Computer Networks
- csci 8363: Numerical Linear Algebra in Data Exploration
- csci 8551: Intelligent Agents
Spring 2019
- csci 2011: Discrete Structures of Computer Science
- csci 2033: Elementary Computational Linear Algebra
- csci 2033-001:
- csci 2041-01:
- csci 4041: Algorithms and Data Structures
- csci 4211: Introduction to Computer Networks
- csci 4511: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
- csci 4511W:
- csci 5105: Introduction to Distributed Systems
- csci 5271: Introduction to Computer Security
- csci 5302: Analysis of Numerical Algorithms
- csci 5421: Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures
- csci 5471: Modern Cryptography
- csci 5512: Artificial Intelligence II
- csci 8314: Iterative Methods for Linear Systems
- csci 8980: Dispersed Data-driven Computing