Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
Robotics revolves around the building of intelligent physical machines. Artificial intelligence (AI) implies the use of a computer to model and/or replicate intelligent behavior. Research in AI focuses on the development and analysis of algorithms that learn and/or perform intelligent behavior with minimal human intervention. AI techniques have been and continue to be applied to a broad range of problems that arise in robotics, agriculture, medical diagnosis, gaming, mathematics, and logistics.
Work in this division draws from and contributes to multiple domains:
- Artificial Intelligence studies algorithms and systems in areas such as machine learning, logic, planning, neural networks, inference engines, evolutionary computation, and cognition;
- Robotics designs and creates robotic systems including mobile robots, manipulators, underwater systems, and aerial platforms along with the algorithms that empower them;
- Computer Vision develops algorithms and systems to derive meaningful information from videos, images, and other visual inputs;
- Human-Robot Interaction investigates and creates new techniques for effective interaction of humans with robots;
- Natural Language Processing studies ways to build systems that process text or voice data; and
- Applications use robotics and artificial intelligence to impact domains such as medicine, agriculture, manufacturing, education, logistics, biology, etc.
Core Faculty
Professor, CSE Distinguished Professor, Distinguished University Teaching Professor
Professor, McKnight Presidential Endowed Professor, Distinguished McKnight University Professor, Director of Graduate Studies for Robotics, Minnesota Robotics Institute Director
Associate Professor, McKnight Presidential Fellow
Associate Professor, Dean's Fellow
Affiliated Faculty
Professor, Distinguished University Teaching Professor
Professor, Director of Graduate Studies for Cognitive Science
Regents Professor, William Norris Land Grant Chair in Large-Scale Computing, Data Science Initiative Director
Labs and selected projects
- Applied Motion Lab Stephen Guy
- Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Vision Lab Maria Gini, Nikolaos Papanikolopoulos
- Computational Perception and Action Lab Paul Schrater
- Interactive Robotics and Vision Laboratory Junaed Sattar
- MAGNET: Intelligent Agents for Electronic Commerce Maria Gini
- Monitoring Human Activity Nikolaos Papanikolopoulos
- Robotics: Perception and Manipulation (RPM) Lab Karthik Desingh
- Robotic Sensor Networks Lab Volkan Isler
- TAC-SCM: Autonomous Agents for Supply-Chain Management Maria Gini
- Visual Information Processing Lab Catherine Qi Zhao
- Visual Computing and AI Seminar
- UMN Machine Learning Seminar Series