Ph.D. in Computer Science, Edinburgh University (1983)
M.A. in Theoretical Physics, Churchill College, Cambridge University (1982)
M.S. in Computer Science, Churchill College, Cambridge University (1980)
B.A. in Theoretical Physics, Churchill College, Cambridge University (1979)
Professional Background
Carl Sturtivant joined the Department of Computer Science & Engineering in 1997. He received his M.A. (1982) in theoretical physics and M.S. (1980) in computer science from Cambridge University, and his Ph.D. (1983) in computer science from Edinburgh University. From 2001-04 and in 2006, the Science and Engineering Board awarded him with the Best Professor award. Before coming to the University, Sturtivant served as an assistant professor at the University of Chicago, an associate professor at Aarhus University, and as a visiting scholar at Carnegie Mellon University.