The Granular Genome: An Alternative to Constitutive Modeling

José Andrade
Mechanical and Civil Engineering, California Institute of Technology

ABSTRACT: Andrade explores the concept of a granular genome, the set of inherent properties of granular assemblies that, in conjunction with the (external) state, determine the material’s emergent behavior. Andrade argues that this approach can be an effective alternative to orthodox constitutive modeling. Recent results show the remarkable ability of the genome approach in replicating the material behavior well beyond the capabilities of any orthodox constitutive model. One can then explore other portions of the stress space to obtain a thorough picture of the material behavior. Also, evolving granular features such as breakage (extreme morphological changes), degree of saturation (multiple components), and bonding (sintering, ice, etc.) can be quantified, and their impact on the constitutive behavior can be assessed for the first time.

View Andrade's presentation

Start date
Friday, Nov. 15, 2019, 10:10 a.m.
End date
Friday, Nov. 15, 2019, 11:15 a.m.

George J. Schroepfer Conference Theater, 210 Civil Engineering Building

José Andrade
